Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

Uncover the co-op exclusive chests in Genshin Impact with our guide.

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

Genshin Impact has a variety of chests and unique challenges for travelers to find, and one of them is Co-op-only chests. These chests can only be obtained with the help of another traveler in your world. Co-op chests are not common, and the rarity of the chests these Co-op chest challenges offer can vary from exquisite chests to luxurious chests.

As of Genshin Impact version 4.5, there are a total of four Co-op chests in tevyayt, and you can expect to find Co-op only chests from all nations in Tevyat. Also keep in mind, that these chests do not count towards exploration progress and can only be obtained in Co-op.

Heart Island Luxurious Chest

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

This is a luxurious chest that can be obtained from a small island that is in Gunyun Stone Forest, in Liyue. There is also a Geoculus on this island, and to get the chest from here, you must stand on a heart-shaped rock pattern on the island with one more player in Co-op mode.

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

How To Get The Heart Island Luxurious Chest

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

One co-op player is required to get this chest. Start by teleporting to Yaoguang Shaol, look towards the sea behind you and go across the sea towards the island. The island can be easily spotted from here.

Ayaka, Mona and Furina are great characters to get around on water and if you don't have them, Kaeya's ice bridges will help.

Upon arriving at the island, stand on top of the heart pattern you will notice fairly easily with your co-op partner and the chest will spawn.

Opera Epiclese Heart Chest

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

This place will reward travelers with a Exquisite chest and to get this chest, you simply have to stand to the heart-shaped Lumidouce Bell plant with another player in Co-op.

How To Get The Opera Epiclese Heart Chest

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

Start by teleporting to Fountain Of Lucince and make your way towards the "Icewind Suite" world boss near you. After reaching the camera man near the boss, take a left turn and head into the grass area. You can easily spot the chest as you go further towards the sea from here.

To make the chest spawn, stand to the heart-shaped heart-shaped Lumidouce Bell with one more player in Co-op.

Gandha Hill Mushroom Chest

This chest is in front of the Spire of Solitary Enlightenment artifact domain, and you can grab this chest by jumping on each of the mushrooms at the same time with a friend in Co-op.

How To Get The Gandha Hill Mushroom Co-op Chest

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

This is the easiest co-op chest you can obtain, and some players might have accidentally got it while doing the domain nearby in Co-op.

Simply turn around after teleporting to the domain to notice two green jumpy mushrooms, to get the chest, you need one Co-op player to jump along with you on the mushrooms.

Vourukasha Oasis Heart Pool Chest

This chest is even more simple and straightforward, to grab this chest, head to Vourukasha Oasis's Sumeru's desert region and go towards the small pond towards the southern side of the huge tree in Vourukasha's Oasis.

Once you reach the pond, walk into the pond with one more player to get the chest.

Can You Bypass Co-op Chests?

Genshin Impact: All Co-op Only Chest Locations And If You Can Bypass Them

Unfortunately, as of now, there is no way to bypass these Co-op chests as they only spawn in Co-op mode and when one more player is nearby.

If you are having trouble finding travelers to help you with getting these chests, using the Co-op mode to randomly go into another traveler's world and requesting them to adventure with you, might help!

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