Genshin Impact: Ascension Materials For Arlecchino

Learn which materials are necessary to help Arlecchino ascend in Genshin Impact!

Genshin Impact: Ascension Materials For Arlecchino

Genshin Impact introduces Arlecchino, a Harbinger of the Fatui who is widely known as The Knave and debuted as the "Father" of Lyney and Lynette, during Chapter IV of the Archon Quest. However, it wasn't until the Update 4.6 that players could unlock Arlecchino as a playable character.

This Pyro DPS unit proves to be an absolute powerhouse in battle, but to reach her peak in combat you must invest some time ascending her first. This will take you to explore different parts of Teyvat, and here we'll tell you everything you need to know about it.

Arlecchino’s Ascension Materials

Genshin Impact: Ascension Materials For Arlecchino

To ascend Arlecchino, you will need the following materials and Mora per Ascension stage:

Ascension Level

Ascension Materials

Mora Required

Ascension Rewards

Level 20

x1 Agnidus Agate Sliver, x3 Rainbow Rose, x3 Recruit's Insignia


x1 Acquaint Fate

Level 40

x3 Agnidus Agate Fragment, x2 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x10 Rainbow Rose, x15 Recruit's Insignia


Level 50

x6 Agnidus Agate Fragment, x4 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x20 Rainbow Rose, x12 Sergeant's Insignia


x1 Acquaint Fate

Level 60

x3 Agnidus Agate Chunk, x8 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x30 Rainbow Rose, x18 Sergeant's Insignia


Level 70

x6 Agnidus Agate Chunk, x12 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x45 Rainbow Rose, x12 Lieutenant's Insignia


x1 Acquaint Fate

Level 80

x6 Agnidus Agate Gemstone, x20 Fragment of a Golden Melody, x60 Rainbow Rose, x24 Lieutenant's Insignia


How To Find Arlecchino’s Ascension Materials

You can find every Ascension Material for Arlecchino by following these methods:

  • For the Agnidus Agate materials, the following bosses will drop those after being defeated:
    • Andrius
    • Azhdaha
    • La Signora
    • The Knave
    • Statue Of Marble And Brass
    • Algorithm Of Semi-Intransient Matrix Of Overseer Network
    • Emperor Of Fire And Iron
    • Iniquitous Baptist
    • Primo Geovishap
    • Pyro Regisvine
    • Pyro Hypostasis
  • The Fragments of a Golden Melody can be found as a drop from the Statue Of Marble And Brass normal boss.
  • The Rainbow Roses can be found in different parts of Fontaine.
  • The Recruit, Sergeant, and Lieutenant's Insignias are dropped by all the Fatui Skirmishers, Fatui Cicin Mages, and Fatui Pyro Agents.

Arlecchino’s Talent Materials

Genshin Impact: Ascension Materials For Arlecchino

To level up Arlecchino's Talents, you must spend the following amount of materials and Mora per talent:

Talent Level

Talent Materials

Mora Required

Level 2

x3 Teachings of Order, x6 Recruit's Insignia


Level 3

x2 Guide to Order, x3 Sergeant's Insignia


Level 4

x4 Guide to Order, x4 Sergeant's Insignia


Level 5

x6 Guide to Order, x6 Sergeant's Insignia


Level 6

x9 Guide to Order, x9 Sergeant's Insignia


Level 7

x4 Philosophies of Order, x4 Lieutenant's Insignia, x1 Fading Candle


Level 8

x6 Philosophies of Order, x6 Lieutenant's Insignia, x1 Fading Candle


Level 9

x12 Philosophies of Order, x9 Lieutenant's Insignia, x2 Fading Candle


Level 10

x16 Philosophies of Order, x12 Lieutenant's Insignia, x2 Fading Candle, x1 Crown of Insight


How To Find Arlecchino’s Talent Materials

Arlecchino's Talent materials can be found in the following locations:

  • Fading Candles are dropped by The Knave herself as a Weekly Boss.
  • The Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Order can be found by completing the Pale Forgotten Glory domain every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  • The Recruit, Sergeant, and Lieutenant's Insignias are dropped by all the Fatui Skirmishers, Fatui Cicin Mages, and Fatui Pyro Agents.
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