Helldivers 2: All Grenades And How To Use Them

We’ll show you how to throw grenades like a pro – without painting your squad in democracy confetti.

Helldivers 2: All Grenades And How To Use Them

So you're a fearless Helldiver, eh? Stomping around hostile planets in Helldivers 2, bringing a little managed democracy to the locals. But sometimes, just bullets and bravado aren't enough. That's where grenades come in.

These explosive tools are your key to crowd control, stopping enemy spawns in their tracks, and turning the tide of battle in an instant. But with a variety of grenades at your disposal, choosing the right one for the situation can be the difference between glorious victory and a messy demise. Let's show these bugs what real democracy looks like!

What Are All The Grenades?

Helldivers 2: All Grenades And How To Use Them

Let's get familiar with the different grenades at your disposal. We'll cover their effects and what they're best suited for.




G-10 Incendiary


Rains fire on a medium-sized area, perfect for inflicting continuous damage on enemies who dare to linger.

G-12 High Explosive


This classic packs a punch, ideal for taking out lightly armored enemies with a small but powerful blast.

G-123 Thermite Grenade


Sticks to surfaces and burns for extended periods, creating deadly zones.

G-6 Frag


The all-rounder, this grenade deals damage over a large area, making it a great choice for general crowd control.

G-23 Stun


Doesn't cause any damage, but freezes enemies in place for easy takedowns.

G-3 Smoke


Creates a thick cloud that provides cover for escapes, sneaky maneuvers, or flanking enemies.

G-16 Impact


Detonates on contact, making it perfect for clearing out tightly packed groups of enemies.

For even more explosive options, consider the Grenade Launcher available through the Engineering Bay. This stratagem launches area-of-effect explosive attacks, perfect for clearing large groups of enemies.

How To Throw A Grenade

Helldivers 2: All Grenades And How To Use Them

Now that you know your grenades, it's time to learn how to throw them effectively. Here are the controls for both Playstation and PC players.

  • Playstation: Equip grenades with the right D-pad. Throw a quick grenade in the direction you're facing with R2/RB. For more precise throws, aim with L2/LB first and then throw.
  • PC: Press 4 to throw a grenade, and G for a quick throw.

You can cook a grenade by holding onto it before throwing. Beware, cooking damage grenades for too long will cause it to explode in your hands.

Tips For Grenade Use

Helldivers 2: All Grenades And How To Use Them

Knowing which grenade to use is only half the battle. Here are some key tips on how to use your grenades strategically to maximize their impact and keep your fellow Helldivers safe.

Match The Grenade to the Threat

Use this guide to find the right tool for the job. Need continuous damage? Incendiary or Thermite. Tightly packed enemies? Impact. Large crowds? Frag.

Mind The Friendly Fire

Be mindful of your teammates! Grenades can damage them too, so avoid cooking them near allies, and be careful with your throws.

Think About The Terrain

Grenades can bounce or roll depending on the ground. Adjust your throws to account for slopes and uneven surfaces.

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