Learn which ones are the best starting areas for Infection Free Zone!
Thanks to the use of real-life map data in Infection Free Zone, you’ll be able to survive against countless waves of hordes almost anywhere in the world. This includes in your very own region or even town! However, while you can choose from hundreds of different starting locations to begin your fight for survival, not every location is created equal.
In this guide, learn more about what you should look for when choosing the perfect starting area to base your operations. Plus, explore five of the best starting areas, along wit their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to keeping you and your fellow survivors alive.
What To Look For When Choosing A Starting Area in Infection Free Zone
There are many things to consider when deciding the right place to base your operations in Infection Free Zone; after all, once you choose a city or town, your options to switch locations are very limited. As a result, you’ll want to make sure you choose a location that can meet all your needs.
First, you’ll want to have a balance of high-density and low-density former populations. In areas that the game cites as formerly high-density, you’ll find a variety of buildings and supplies but the presence of infected hordes will also be more notable, while in smaller regions you may struggle to find the resources you need.
You’ll also want to understand what pre-existing resources are available to you. In some areas, like castles, you’ll have the benefit of walls already constructed. In other areas, you may have more natural barriers, like rivers or lakes.
Note that if you start in an area that is completely end within walls, the infected will attempt to break down the walls to get in. You can help prevent this by building watch towers.
Lastly, consider building sizes; if you are in an area that only has small buildings, you’ll find that you need to adapt many to fit your needs. This is because different sizes of buildings can host different numbers of survivors and supplies, and you’ll need a lot of room to help your people best survive, so adapting a building takes a large amount of time and resources.
Larger buildings, on the other hand, are great at providing the space you need; however, especially in the early game, they can pose a dangerous liability. This is because larger buildings can be harder to protect, especially when you’re in the early stages of technology and defenses.
Best Starting Areas in Infection Free Zone
With thousands of locations to choose from, there is no shortage of good starting areas in Infection Free Zone, but here are some of the best starting areas. These can be used either as the base for your own survival experience or inspiration when discovering what to look for in the perfect starting area.
Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh Castle is likely one of the most popular starting locations in Infection Free Zone. This is because this potential base offers a variety of advantages, some of which you may not find elsewhere in the world.
First, Edinburgh Castle sports medieval walls with high defenses. These can be essential to helping maintain your adapted structures and protect your survivors. However, unlike some other castle locations in the world, Edinburgh Castle has gaps in its walls.
Typically, gaps in medieval walls can be considered a disadvantage. However, in the case of Edinburgh Castle, the gaps are few and far between. As a result, they can be easily monitored by watch towers. These gaps will also make it easier for your squads to patrol and look for supplies.
There are also several buildings located near the castle, all the while remaining within your walls. As a result, as you begin to progress further during the earliest points of the game, you won’t need to stray far into danger for basic resources.
The surrounding areas of Edinburgh showcase what was once a bustling city with a high-density population. As a result, there are many supplies to be found, from food rations to weapons.
Because this is a high-density population area, hordes may be more abundant when playing at Edinburgh Castle, depending on your difficulty level.
Osaka Castle, Osaka, Japan
Osaka Castle is another great starting point for Infection Free Zone. However, while still a castle, it differs greatly compared to Edinburgh Castle.
Both of these castles are located in similar areas. As a result, you’ll have an increased number of buildings, supplies, and infected hordes as you try to navigate your way to long-term survival. However, the layout of Osaka Castle is much different.
Unlike Edinburgh Castle, Osaka Castle has no walls. It does, however, have a natural barrier created by water that surrounds much of the property. This potential starting point also sports various buildings of different sizes, from smaller locations fit to be a great starting HQ and larger buildings to adapt or demolish later.
Smaller HQs are beneficial, as they can be easier to defend in the beginning. However, larger buildings are highly useful later as you work to expand your shelters and warehouses.
There is also a large amount of open space surrounding Osaka Castle, with few buildings nearby. While your squads will need to travel a bit further to search for supplies, you won’t need to worry about hordes making themselves comfortable in nearby buildings.
This also leaves you plenty of room to expand and build without waiting to deconstruct buildings.
United States Capitol Building, Washington, DC, United States
Although the United States Capitol Building lacks any walls in Infection Free Zone, it serves as a nearly-perfect example of balance in other regards. Washington, D.C. is a high-density area, sporting both an abundance of supplies and hordes.
However, the Capitol Building itself is fairly secluded, with notable buildings nearby for scavenging but no compact neighborhoods. There are also no forests or brushlands nearby, making it more difficult for hordes to attack you suddenly.
Infected hordes can hide in various areas during the day. This includes abandoned buildings and thick vegetation.
Like Osaka Castle, there is also a large amount of undeveloped land near this potential starting area. This will allow you to build watch towers, farms, and other key features essential to survival.
Jinhua, China
Unlike the rest of the best starting area examples, Jinhua is an entire city, not a landmark. However, with its balance of space with a diverse range of buildings of varying sizes, it can be a great place for beginners and veteran-infected survivors alike.
One of the main disadvantages of Jinhua, however, is how the buildings are; while this can make it easy for your squads to navigate the terrain and patrol, there is not a notable amount of open space in the heart of the city. The buildings also have an increased risk when it comes to harboring hidden infected hordes.
With so many buildings , though, you’ll be able to easily extract supplies, whether through scavenging or deconstructing buildings. This will eventually open up more space, helping to reduce the likelihood of ambushes.