Lego Fortnite: How To Recruit Animals To Your Village

Spruce up your village with these animal companions.

Lego Fortnite: How To Recruit Animals To Your Village

The latest Lego Fortnite update is for all animal lovers who have wanted to tame the animals in the game for a long time. The 29.30 Patch, also called the Farm Friends update, brought many new improvements and villagers to the farms, with the main one being the ability to recruit selective animals for resource farming.

The update also raised the village recruitment cap to ten per village, with three slots available to animals, three to villagers, and four to either animals or villagers. Here’s everything you need to know about recruiting animals for resource farming in Lego Fortnite.

How To Tame Animals

Lego Fortnite: How To Recruit Animals To Your Village

The most important part about recruiting animals to your village is to earn their trust beforehand.

The first step towards this goal and to tame them in Lego Fortnite is to construct an Animal House, the recipe of which will become available to you once your village reaches Level 2.

You can find it labelled as “Barn” in your craft menu, and it can be built using ten wooden Planks.

These houses ensure your animals’ safety and happy lifestyle because who would be thrilled at the thought of living out in the cold, right? Once the house has been set up, you’ll need to make an Animal Treat with the help of a Grill, 5 Vines, and 3 Corn.

It’s best to make some extra for backup in case some of them are wasted. You didn’t expect to tame an animal without giving them treats, did you?

Now that an animal’s house and treats are covered, all you have to do is go up to an animal in the wild and befriend them.

Search for an animal and give them an Animal Treat to earn their trust and friendship. Only four types of animals can be recruited in Lego Fortnite for resource farming at the time of writing, which are as follows:

  • Chickens produce feathers and fertiliser.
  • Cows produce milk and fertiliser.
  • Sheep produce wool and fertiliser.
  • Pigs produce mushrooms and fertiliser.

Lego Fortnite: How To Recruit Animals To Your Village

Feed the animals until they like you, which will be made clear by the little hearts that’ll appear above their head.

From this point on, the animal will begin following you, so you should take them back to your village, which can be done by luring them into a vehicle for a quick journey.

This method makes it easy travelling across different biomes. During the trip though, be on the lookout for dangers that might come up.

One of the main dangers in Lego Fortnite is the bears, so make sure they don’t follow you back to your village. Don’t worry, though, since it’s quite easy to avoid them due to their sleepy nature. All you have to do is stay super quiet around them.

You can equip a Fishing Rod to pull your animals across tight spots or help them cross barriers by constructing bridges.

If an animal gets upset, it might also run away; in the worst-case scenario, it could send you flying. Offer them an Animal Treat to heal them if they are injured in any way.

Once you are safely in your village, assign your animal a Barn and give them a name. Take good care of them by feeding them, petting them, and even rocking those dance moves with them by your side.

If you’re planning on going away, put a villager in charge of looking after the animal, or it might just run away if it doesn’t get enough attention and love.

How To Assign Animals To Houses

Lego Fortnite: How To Recruit Animals To Your Village

Once you return to your village in Lego Fortnite with the animal behind, you’ll need to assign them a Barn.

For this, all you have to do is head over to a vacant barn and click on the “Interact” button that’ll show up on your screen. Through this, you’ll be able to assign the newest member on your farm to its new house and become a part of your “Farm Friends.”

How To Check The Happiness Of Your Animals

Lego Fortnite: How To Recruit Animals To Your Village

To better care for your animals, there’s a mood meter for each animal in the Village Hub, which is the first screen that pops up when you interact with your Village Square.

If you want your animals to be extremely happy and working at maximum speed, then you need to make sure that the arrow underneath the mood meter is always at the extreme right.

Keeping your animals at their happiest helps you get the different types of items at the fastest possible rate. You can keep them happy by feeding them their favourite types of food.

Cows and chickens are usually huge fans of pepper seeds, whereas sheep and pigs are fans of vines.

All you have to do is keep some food in their respective barns and wait for the resources to start piling up. The type of resources your animals produce also depends heavily on the biomes they come from and the food you’re giving them.

For example, a sheep from the Snow Biome (Frostlands) will give you heavy wool compared to a regular sheep that produces regular wool.

The Farm Friends update introduced a new way for players to interact with the cute creatures that populate the world of Lego Fortnite. This increases their importance and makes them much more than just food. Follow our guide to easily tame and recruit new animals.

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