Learn how to fly with Tulip Snakes in Lethal Company!
Not every entity you'll encounter in Lethal Company is large, hostile, and eager to kill you and ruin your current quota. Some, like the Tulip Snake, are small, and their danger is more accidental than anything else. If one grabs onto you? You can continue on as usual. If it's more? Well, you may be in for a surprise.
Beyond being a simple annoyance or a cute, but temporary pet to bring along on your planetary excursions, Tulip Snakes also have a unique ability. If enough grab onto you, they'll act as a free, natural jetpack. Using them as a method of transportation has its dangers, though.
Where To Find Tulip Snakes
Tulip Snakes are small creaturesthat resemble a frilled lizard crossed with a venus fly trap, and they have a chance of spawning on six of the twelve moons, with the best spawn rate being on Adamance.
Moon |
Spawn Chance |
Adamance |
6% |
Assurance |
5% |
March |
4% |
Artifice |
3% |
Experimentation |
3% |
Vow |
2% |
You'll generally find around one to two Tulip Snakes at first in the morning, but up to a maximum of 12 can spawn throughout the day, depending on what's already spawned, if you've killed any other entities, and if the planet is Eclipsed or not.
How To Fly With Tulip Snakes
If you want to use Tulip Snakes for their ability to give you temporary flight, you'll need to find a pack of them for it. When you or another player gets within range of a Tulip Snake, they'll run up and grab onto your head, then start flapping in an attempt to carry you off.
Each Tulip Snake latching onto you adds three lbs to your total weight, and the maximum amount of five will add 16 lbs of weight, and they'll contribute to your ability to collapse bridges .
One or two of them won't give you any lift, but having at least three of them will make them able to lift you and let you fly around briefly, similar to a Jetpack but with less control and flight duration.
This awkward flight can still be controlled to an extent by using the movement keys to direct the general direction of the light:
- Left will steer the Tulip Snakes towards the left.
- Right will steer the Tulip Snakes towards the right.
- Looking up will steer the Tulip Snakes towards the sky.
- Looking down will get the Tulip Snakes to go forward somewhat.
Tulip Snakes move at a set speed once they get started, but you can't control how high you'll go even if you do steer them upwards. The more of them attached to you, the better control you'll have, but they'll also fly you much higher.
You can get the Tulip Snakes to drop you onto the ground by swinging a Shovel or other melee equipment while they're attached to you, and it will also kill them .
Each direction change takes around a second to register when you're flying, but there isn't a limit to how often you can, only the flight length itself, as each flight only lasts around ten seconds before the Tulip Snakes get tired.
Once the Tulip Snakes let you go, they'll proceed to run off in a random direction as a group, and you'll generally take a couple of seconds before they can beattracted again and latch back on for another flight.
Tulip Snakes will crowd and take up space in your vision , and they can make it difficult to see obstacles around you, especially if you've got more than two on you.
The short flight can be more than enough to cross portions of the map to speed up travel, avoid flooded areas of a map, or engage in shenanigans with other players. If you can grab them quickly, Tulip Snake flight can be used to avoid enemies, or you can just use Tulip Snakes as bait for other creatures like Eyeless Dogs, if they're caught in its charge.
How To Fly Indoors
Unlike most entities, Tulip Snakes can also be brought into the facility as long as they're attached to you, and once they drop off, they'll roam around the facility and engage in their normal behavior. As long as there are enough of them in the facility, you can also fly around with them inside to cross short distances.
If you're using Tulip Snakes to fly around in the facility, they can fly you up into the ceiling fan in the entrance and kill you.
Unfortunately, this also runs the risk of them managing to drop you to your death much easier than if you're outside thanks to all the pits and drops, or them accidentally running you into danger.