Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Housing, known as burgage plots, is where your villagers will live in Manor Lords. Here, you can learn how to build and upgrade these plots.

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Manor Lords places you in a vast territory with some resources and five families to take care of. Rather than staying in small huts though, you can upgrade burgage plots, increase the living capacity, and add backyard extensions that passively produce items.

Here, we are going to cover everything you need to know about housing in Manor Lords, starting from placing your first burgage plot in a new territory. We'll also go over what you need to upgrade your houses to level three, which is currently the maximum building level.

Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

How To Place A Burgage Plot

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

To place a burgage plot, you will need to head to the 'Residential' tab of the construction menu. Here, you will see the option to place down level one burgage plots. Clicking on this will allow you to create a custom-sized plot based on where the four corners are.

These plots can snap to roads and existing buildings, allowing you to create natural housing areas that fit in with the surrounding area.

Once placed, your unassigned villagers will then need to start building the plot with the required amount of timber. After built, new families will then begin to move in, providing more workers for you to use.

'Expand Living Space' Option

If a burgage plot is a certain size, you will be able to expand the living space. This is denoted by a house with a plus sign appearing on the lot. If this happens, you first need to build the house.

After it’s completely constructed, you will then see a circle with a villager's head on the plot’s informational panel.

Clicking on this will cause construction to begin again, adding a new family space for two timber.

What Are Backyard Extensions?

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Earlier when you placed your plot, you may have also seen a house-shaped symbol with a pickaxe inside. This appears when you are placing down your burgage plot if there is enough room for a backyard extension.

These are essentially production stations that can be added directly to your house. Some of them are the only source of the output material, while others can help speed along the production process.

Below, you can check out every type of backyard extension, as well as what it does.

Extension Type



Only Source of Item?

Vegetable Garden

15 coins



Chicken Coop

25 coins



Goat Shed

25 coins



Apple Orchard

50 coins

Orchardry development point



Bakery Extension

5 coins

5 planks

Bakery development point

Burgage plot level 2



Blacksmiths Workshop

5 coins

5 planks

Burgage plot level 2

Tools and Weapons

Yes (for weapons)


5 coins

5 planks

Burgage plot level 2



Tailor's Workshop

5 coins

5 planks

Burgage plot level 2

Clothes, Cloaks, and Gambesons


Cobbler's Workshop

5 coins

5 planks

Burgage plot level 2



Joiner's Workshop

4 planks

Burgage plot level 2

Wooden Parts and Shields


Armorer's Workshop

10 coins

4 planks

Burgage plot level 2



Bowyer's Workshop

4 planks

Burgage plot level 2



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How To Upgrade Burgage Plots

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Burgage plots can be upgraded two separate times, requiring a variety of materials. To check out a plot's status, click on any house. Here, you will see the upgrade button at the top; if it's filled in white, then you can do the upgrade. If it's greyed out, you still need some materials or requirements fulfilled.

The requirements are shown in the second portion of the panel. In order to upgrade, every diamond needs to be filled in with yellow. These diamonds represent the amount of goods and amenities that your residents have access to.

Below, you can check out each plot level, as well as what is required.

Plot Level

Material Cost



Burgage Plot Level 1



Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Burgage Plot Level 2

4x Timber

Water Access

Church Level 1

Fuel Stall Supply x1

Food Stall Supply x2

Clothing Stall Supply x1

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Burgage Plot Level 3

25 coins

4 timber

8 planks

4 tiles

Water Access

Tavern Supply

Church Level 2

Fuel Stall Supply x1

Food Stall Supply x3

Clothing Stall Supply x2

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

Why Should You Upgrade Burgage Plots?

Manor Lords: Housing Guide

While upgrading plots can get expensive, it's necessary to unlock new materials and progress in the game. For example, there are a lot of products (like weapons and armor) that are only produced by upgraded burgage plots.

Additionally, in order to unlock new development points, you will need to upgrade houses. If you hover over the territory name, you will see the housing requirements; to get to 'large village', you will need three level three plots, seven level two plots, and ten level one plots.

Lastly, upgrading your burgage plots can increase your regional wealth and increase the room you have for families. For example, level three burgage plots have room for an additional family and they generate two regional wealth a month (this is two coins).

On its own, this isn't too impressive, but with several level three plots, you can have a lot of regional wealth coming in.

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