Claiming territories in Manor Lords is essential to growing your land. Here, you can learn how to claim and settle on new territories.
One of the main mechanics in Manor Lords is your ability to claim new territories. This allows you to expand your territory, build new villagers, and gather even more resources. If you are powerful enough, you may even be able to claim the entire map!
In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to claim territories. This will also go over how to start building on your newly acquired territory for the first time. Once you get settled, you can simply take care of your village like normal.
Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.
How To Claim A Territory
To claim a territory, you will first need to zoom out on the map. When you zoom far enough, you will be able to see all the territories. From here, you can click on a territory that you want to claim.
When clicking on the territory, you will see two options; "Claim with Influence" or "Claim with King's Favor" . In the current version of the game, you are only able to claim with influence.
If you want to claim an unclaimed territory, it will take 1,000 influence. If, on the other hand, you want to claim an already-claimed territory (highlighted in yellow), you will need 2,000 influence.
Claim Period
Rather than claiming the territory immediately, there will be a period of time that others can contest the claim. If contested, you will then need to win in battle against this new enemy. If you win, you get the land. If you lose, they get it.
Before claiming land, we suggest having some troops ready. If the claim is disputed, then you will be ready to march into battle.
Contesting Other Claims
You will also be able to contest others that claim happens. When someone claims a territory, a little box will open in the top left corner. From here, you can contest the claim. If you win the battle, you will be rewarded with the land without spending anything.
How To Settle In New Territories
Once your new territory has been successfully claimed, you will not be able to immediately start building on it. Instead, you will need to put down a Settlers Camp, which is found in the Administration tab of the construction menu.
Prior to placing this, your new territory won't have any goods to build with.
After placing the Settlers Camp, you will be able to choose how many resources your new area starts with. In order to build the lowest tier of the Settlers Camp, you will need at least 250 coins in your treasury. You can increase your treasury by building a Manor and setting a tax.
With the Settlers Camp, you can now start building! Remember to construct the essentials first, including a Granary, Storehouse, Forager Hut, Hunting Camp, and Logging Camp.