Influence is an important resource in Manor Lords that is used to claim new territories. Here, you can learn how to gain more influence.
In addition to managing a bunch of physical resources in Manor Lords, you will also accumulate influence and wealth. Influence is an important resource that is used to press claims; this is the act of claiming new territory for yourself. So, how do you get more influence?
In this guide, we are going to look at how to gain more influence in Manor Lords. Influence does not vary by territory like regional wealth or inventory does. For example, you will always have 1,000 influence regardless of what territory you are looking at.
Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.
What Does Influence Do?
As mentioned above, influence is used to claim new territories. When you zoom out on the map, you can click on unclaimed areas and see the option "Claim with Influence". If you have enough, you can then claim it, which starts a small timer.
If you go undisputed during the timer, then the territory will be yours!
How To Get More Influence
There are a few ways to get more influence, which you can check out below.
If you hover over the influence that you have, a popup will mention that it can also be earned through policies. As Manor Lords is currently in early access, this doesn't seem to be the case yet. In the future though, there may be an influence-related policy.
Defeat Bandit Camps
Bandit camps pop up on the map every once in a while and can cause bandits to steal your goods. This, in itself, should be a reason to take out the bandit camp, but you will also gain influence upon doing so.
When you have a militia ready, we suggest taking out every bandit camp that appears. This is a great way to regularly gain influence.
Build Churches & Manors
Churches and manors are essential to upgrading your burgage plots and gaining influence. Before setting out to increase your influence, it's important to build both of these structures. After you build a manor, you can then click on it and open the castle planner, which allows you to add a tax office.
We suggest building a manor and church in every territory under your control. Additionally, upgrading your church will provide some influence.
Set A Tithe
When you have a church and manor, you can now set a tithe. This is a type of tax that takes food surplus and gives it to the church and, in turn, generates influence. With a tithe at around ten percent, you can quickly start gaining more influence.
If you are running low on food, we suggest holding off on setting a tithe for a while. When you have a decent surplus of food to spare, you can then set a tithe.
Raise Your Settlement Level
Lastly, be sure to raise your settlement level! Upon doing so, you will gain influence. With a higher settlement level, you will also be able to unlock new development points such as deep mining or beekeeping.