Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

There are a lot of resources that you can create in Manor Lords, with tools being one of them. Here, you can learn how to make and use tools.

Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

Manor Lords is all about production. Whether it be armor and weapons or food and dyes, you will be able to set up an intricate production system that trades with others in the world. As such, it's important to have a hefty supply of materials.

One resource that you will have the chance to make is tools. Currently, tools are not used to do anything within your territories, but they can be sold for money, making them a great passive source of income if you have access to enough iron. Here, we are going to take a look at how to make tools.

Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

What Building Makes Tools?

Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

Tools can be made at two separate buildings; the Smithy and the Blacksmith.


This is a production building found in the Industry tab of the construction menu. For just two timber, you can make the Smithy; fortunately, this building is also available at the start of the game, so you won't need to unlock anything.


Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

The Blacksmith is a housing upgrade that becomes available once you have a level two burgage plot. Upgrading the backyard extension of a house requires five coins (regional wealth) and five planks.

How To Make Tools

Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

Once you have either a Smithy or a Blacksmith, tool production is fairly straightforward. You will need to set up a system that mines raw iron ore, smelts it into iron slabs, and then processes it into tools.

How To Turn Iron Ore Into Slabs

Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

First, you will need to put a mining pit over an iron deposit. This will allow workers to pull up iron ore, with the total amount of ore being sown when you hover over the pickaxe icon.

We suggest setting up a mine on a rich iron deposit, as this contains more iron. These are denoted by a star near the pickaxe icon, but don't worry if there isn't one nearby; eventually, you may be able to claim a territory with a rich iron deposit.

You can also invest in the deep mining development point, which is an upgrade for mining pits on rich deposits. This makes mining infinite here!

Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

With iron ore in your inventory, you can turn it into a slab with the Bloomery. This is another production building that you can find in the Industry production tab of the construction menu. This is another cheap building, only taking two timber to make.

After assigning a worker to the Bloomery, you will slowly begin to produce iron slabs. From here, either the Smithy of Blacksmith will begin to produce tools for you.

Selling Tools

Manor Lords: How To Get Tools

Tools sell for six coins, and require an existing trade route (which costs 216 coins to set up) in order to be traded. With this route set up though, you will make a decent amount of money if you have excess tools.

We suggest only producing and selling tools if you have an infinite supply of iron ore from a rich deposit with a deep mine. Iron can be used in the production of other important items such as armor and weapons, so you don't want to burn through all of your iron just to sell it.

If you do have too much iron though, selling tools is the best way to make money with the resource. Iron ore only sells for three coins, and iron slabs sell for four. This means that you get the most profit from tools.

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