Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

Bread is essential to keeping your villagers happy in Manor Lords. Here, you can learn how to make this food source.

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

While playing Manor Lords, you can explain your settlement, claim territories, and defeat bandits. While paving the way to victory, you will also need to take care of the villagers residing in your land. These villagers need a food source, with bread being a great option.

In this guide, we are going to go over how to make bread in Manor Lords. This will cover growing wheat, milling the grain, and turning it into bread. It's important to note that while there may be other food sources in the game, bread is a great way to feed your villagers without depleting natural resources.

Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

How To Set Up A Wheat Farm

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

To begin farming wheat, head to the construction menu and go to the 'Farming' tab, which looks like a sickle. On this tab, the farming field option will be on the very left; click on this and you will be able to manually set an area of land within your territory to be farmland.

With the farmland placed, you can select the crop type, as well as set a crop rotation. From the dropdown menu next to 'Crop Type' you can choose wheat (with barley, flax, and fallow being the other three options).

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

Fallowing your field means that no crops will be planted here. It's a good idea to fallow your fields every so often, as this restores fertility to the soil.

With your wheat field placed, you will now need to build a farmhouse. This is found right next to the field placement section in the 'Farming' tab of the construction menu. With the farmhouse, you will be able to assign villagers to farm, which is essential to growing and harvesting wheat.

After the farmhouse is built, click on it and assign some workers. We suggest starting with at least two families, as fields can be quite big. The more fields you have, the more workers you should assign to the farmhouse.

How To Turn Wheat Into Grain

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

There are a few steps in between harvesting wheat and making bread. First, you will need to turn the wheat into grain. This is done at the farmhouse, but you will need to increase the threshing priority first.

Workers at the farmhouse grow crops in addition to threshing wheat into grain. Rather than threshing grain when available, they will focus on the task with the highest priority. If all tasks are the same priority, the workers may not get to threshing quickly enough.

Thankfully, you can change this. From the farmhouse panel, head over to the 'Advanced' tab. Here, you can set the threshing priority. We've set the priority to high and left all the fields at medium. This means that when there is wheat to be threshed, the villagers will do it first.

With the threshing priority higher than field priority, your villagers will eventually start to produce grain.

How To Turn Grain Into Flour

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

Now, you will need to turn your grain into flour. This is done in a separate building called the Windmill, which is also found in the 'Farming' menu. This building only has one goal; turn grain into flour. With grain in your storage, simply assign villagers here to make flour.

How To Make Bread

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

Finally, we are at the last step! To make bread, you will need one final building; the communal oven. Again, this is found in the 'Farming' menu. Like the Windmill, this simple building has one purpose. Once built, just assign a worker or two and bread will be made!

How To Keep Your Villagers Fed

Manor Lords: How To Make Bread

Bread will be placed into your Granary (be sure to have a worker assigned here as well). From here, your villagers will consume the bread without you needing to do anything else. With families assigned to the Granary, they will begin to sell the bread in the marketplace.

While bread is a great food option that can be made in bulk, you will also want to have other food options available. This is necessary to level up your burgage plots, which require a certain amount of nearby amenities. To level up the first time, you will need at least two types of food sold.

At any point during the bread-making process, bandits can steal your items. When a bandit camp appears on the map, we suggest clearing it out. Don't let these outlaws steal your bread!

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