Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

To keep your villagers happy in Manor Lords, you will need to provide clothing for them. Here, you can learn how to make clothes.

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Along with food and fuel, your villagers in Manor Lords appreciate having access to clothing. In fact, you will need to provide clothing to your burgage plots in order to level them up, which is essential to leveling up your village. So, how do you get clothing?

Here, we are going to take a look at how to make clothing in Manor Lords. This will start from the basics of resource acquisition and go all the way to creating good at a tailor. It's also important to note that clothing is different from armor, which is primarily used for your militia and retinue.

Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

What Counts As Clothing?

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Clothes are needed to upgrade your burgage plot, but you don't necessarily need to craft clothing to fulfill this upgrade requirement. Items such as wool or hide can satisfy this requirement. Below, you can check out everything that goes toward the clothing requirement.

  • Leather
  • Linen
  • Yarn
  • Cloaks
  • Shoes
  • Clothes (there is a production item simply called 'clothes')

How To Get Leather, Linen, And Yarn

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Leather, linen, and yarn come from resources that only need to be processed one time.


Leather is made from hides, which come from Hunting Camps and burgage plots with the goat backyard extension. These are both simple structures that don't require anything to be unlocked. To build up a supply of hides, we suggest just building a Hunting Camp and letting the hides steadily come in.

Hides can then be processed at the Tannery, which is found in the Industry tab of the construction menu. With workers assigned to the Tannery, your hides will be gradually turned into leather.


Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Linen is made from flax, which is grown in fields. From the Farming tab of the construction menu, simply place down a field and set the crop to flax. After a growing period, workers (assigned from the farmhouse) will begin to harvest the flax.

To turn flax into linen, you will need to build a Weaver Workshop. With this building, assigned workers will begin to turn flax into linen.


Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

The last basic clothing resource we have is yarn. This is produced from sheep wool, which has a bit more steps to obtain. First, you will need to make a Livestock Trading Post, which is found in the Trading tab of the construction menu. Here, you will be able to purchase sheep.

Once you purchase sheep, you will need to make a pasture and a Sheep Farm (both of which are found in the Farming tab). With a Sheep Farm set up, workers will gather wool from the sheep within your pasture. From here, the Weaver Workshop will also be able to turn the wool into yarn.

How To Make Shoes

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Shoes are made at the Cobbler's Shop, which is a backyard extension that can be added to level two and three burgage plots. This extension will convert the burgage plot into a shop that produces shoes with two pieces of leather.

The shop will continue producing shoes forever (granted there is enough leather), but you can also pause production if you are either running low on leather or have too many shoes.

You can also sell excess shoes for eight coins.

How To Make Clothes And Cloaks

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Clothes and cloaks are made at the Tailor's Shop. Like the Cobbler's Shop, this is only available as a backyard extension after you upgrade a burgage plot at least once.

When the shop is built, you can produce clothes, cloaks, and gambesons. Gambesons are technically an armor piece, so you don't need to make this to fulfill clothing requirements. Below, you can check out the necessary resources to make clothes and cloaks.




1x Linen

1x Dye


1x Yarn

1x Dye

How To Make Dye

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

For both clothes and cloaks, you will need to get your hands on some dye. Thankfully, this can be done at the Dyer's Workshop (found in the Industry tab of the construction menu). The workers assigned here will begin to turn berries into dye, which can then be used to make clothes and cloaks.

How To Sell Clothes At The Marketplace

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

Clothes and basic clothing resources will be sold at the marketplace by villagers assigned to related job. This means that you don't need to take any extra steps to begin selling!

Just because the market is selling clothes, this doesn't guarantee that everyone in the village has access to them. You will need to take into consideration the population and ness to the marketplace. If your town becomes too spread out, you can always place down another marketplace area.

Manor Lords: How To Make Clothes

By clicking on the marketplace itself (not a stall), you can see the supply and demand. Hovering over 'Clothing' will highlight all burgage plots and what clothing they have access to. Burgage plots will have circles above them that correspond to the requirements for the current level.

For example, level two burgage plots will have two circles. Each circle will have a clothing type filled in; if there are not enough clothes, then the circle will remain empty. Using this function is a great way to see how your resources are spread.

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