Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

In Manor Lords, your workers will enable your village to expand and thrive. Here, you can learn how to manage these family workers.

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

Workers are the driving force in Manor Lords. With workers, you will be able to produce materials and equipment, as well as get construction jobs done. At the start of the game, you'll only have five working families, but thankfully, this can easily be increased.

In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to manage your workers. This will cover the basics, in order to get you started on basic production for your village. Overall, the goal is to set up a self-sufficient village that produces (or trades) everything it needs.

Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

What Are Family Workers?

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

Instead of having each worker as a separate person, you will have working families. These are groups of three people who work on the same task. For example, when you assign a worker to the farmhouse, the entire family now works there.

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

If you click on a workplace and then head to the 'People' tab, you can check out what the families are doing. For example, we clicked on the farmhouse, where one entire family is transporting materials, while the second family is sowing the fields.

New families will move in eventually when you build burgage plots.

How To Assign New Families To Work

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

To assign a family, you simply need to click on the building and then click on the plus sign. This will add families to work here until you run out of unassigned families. When this happens, the next time you press the plus, a radar will appear. This means that there are no families available, but when does become available, they will be assigned here.

What Are Unassigned Families?

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

Unassigned families don't just idle around, they can be quite helpful if you are looking to expand your village. If you place down a new building or burgage plot, you will need villagers to make it. Instead of workers dropping what they are doing to build, this will instead be done by the unassigned families.

As such, we suggest having around three to four unassigned families if you are looking to do a lot of building. These families will focus on building and getting the construction done quickly. You can even set the construction priority level if you click on the incomplete building.

If you need to get a building up but don't have enough workers, you can also unassign families from other positions, as well as pause building production somewhere else.

Families & The Militia

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

When you send your militia out to battle, the men in your village will go. This means that you will be lacking some workers. If all goes well, the men will simply return and go back to work. If, on the other hand, some of your soldiers die, then you will lose villagers.

As such, we don't recommend sending all of your troops from a territory out at the same time if the battle is looking tough. If all of your men die, your village can fall into chaos, which is far from ideal.

Tips For Managing Workers

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

Lastly, let's take a look at some tips to keep in mind while managing your workers.

Prioritize Food First

It's important to assign workers to food gathering/making jobs at the start of the game. It's very easy to have a food shortage, but you can prepare in advance. When you first start, we suggest building a Forager Hut and Hunting Camp right away.

We assigned two workers to our Foraging Hut at the start of the game, ensuring that there were enough berries to eat. For a more steady food source, be sure to build a farmhouse and designate some fields for wheat to grow. Farming is a big task, especially if you have large fields, so we also suggest assigning several families to the farmhouse.

Don't Create Too Many Burgage Plots

Manor Lords: How To Manage Workers

While more workers sounds great, you will still need to provide food and fuel for each family. If you are barely scraping by each month, you may think that building new houses can help, but this can have negative effects. New families will use your food and firewood, which means that you may have even less materials.

If you find yourself in this situation, consider looking at how your workers are distributed. Do you need more than one worker at the Sawpit making planks? Is there a production process (such as clothes-making) that you can put on hold until you get more food?

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