Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

Food can be scarce in Manor Lords. Here, you can learn how to provide food for all of your families.

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

As a management game, you will need to provide enough food and fuel for your villagers in Manor Lords. This is easier said than done though, especially in terms of feeding your village. As you put down more burgage plots, it's very easy to run out of food and have unhappy workers.

To ensure that your villagers don't go hungry, there are a few precautions that you can take at the start of the game. In this guide, we are going to go over how to provide enough food for your villagers. This will also include how to handle sudden food shortages.

Manor Lords is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

How To Set Up A Future Food System

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

Right at the start of the game, it's important to begin setting up buildings and workers to gather and make food. Although you will start with some food, it's great to build up your storage for the future, especially as you add more burgage plots.

Berry Gathering

One of the first buildings that you should place down is the Forager Hut. Here, you can assign up to four workers to gather berries from the berry source in the area. While berries may seem simple, they are the best early-game source of food. Even if your town is decades old, berries can still be a great food source.

Rich berry deposits (marked with a crown) will provide way more berries for you to harvest. If you are in a territory with a rich berry deposit, then we highly suggest building a Forager Hut as quickly as possible. You can also unlock the development point 'Forest Management', which doubles the capacity of all berry deposits.

Setting Up Wheat Fields

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

With a farmhouse in your village, you can begin to place fields and assign workers. You will be able to grow wheat, flax, and barley, but we suggest selecting the wheat option first. The other two crops are not food sources, which means that you will not gain any food from these.

Wheat is vital to feeding your villagers. Once gathered, your workers will thresh it from the farmhouse. From here, it will go to the windmill to turn into flour, and then to the communal oven to be baked into bread.

When placing down your fields, we suggest making them quite large. Think about rural medieval areas; more often than not, the village is way smaller than all the farmland. With this in mind, you should place several large farms. This allows enough wheat to be grown to feed your village.

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

If you start growing a lot of wheat when your population is small, you will build up a surplus that can be used in the future.

Soil fertility can decline as you grow more crops, so be sure to fallow and rotate your fields. Don't use the same fallow schedule for all fields though! This may cause you to go crop-less during a season. Instead, keep track of your fields and only fallow (or grow non-wheat crops) around half at a time, with the remaining half being large enough to produce enough wheat.

Are Hunting Camps Worth It?

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

Hunting camps can also be placed at the start of the game in order to get meat and hides. Hide is important in clothing production, but meat isn't the best food source if you are in a pinch. The local animal population is limited, and the hunters will only work until the herd size is reached.

The 'Hunting Limit' (herd size) denotes what size the animal herd should be before your hunters stop working. If the limit is zero, then your hunters can wipe the animals out of the area, which is not good.

When compared to farming or rich berry deposits, meat is not as good of a food source. You can still build a Hunting Camp, but be sure to not rely on it as your only source of food.

Food-Producing Burgage Plot Extensions

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

Burgage plots can have backyard extensions, with the following options providing food.


Vegetable Garden

Chicken Coop

Apple Orchard (unlocks with a development point)

These three extensions will passively generate food without any necessary resources. As such, it's a great way to add to your food storage. While the payoff won't be too much, a few eggs can save you from the brink of starvation.

Overall, we don't suggest relying on these three extensions as your main food source. When combined with farming and berry harvesting though, these are great for getting a few extra food sources in.

Is Honey A Food Source?

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

Yes! Honey is a food source that is pretty simple to produce. With the beekeeping development point, you will be able to place apiaries, with a maximum of two per territory.

Honey is a fantastic food source that doesn't require any fields or deposits. With workers assigned here, you can have a constant flow of honey coming into your village.

Apiaries will produce honey all year long!

How To Handle A Food Shortage

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

No matter how much preparation you do, it can be easy to slip into a food shortage. There are a few ways to combat a food shortage, but it's also important to note that if you have at least one month of food, you can recover! Slow down the in-game timer and take the following actions.

Set Up A Food Trade At The Trading Post

The Trading Post can be used to bring in food. If you are running low on food and have enough regional wealth, we recommend doing this. If you don't have enough money but have an excess of another resource, you can also sell it. For example, you can begin to sell planks or tools in order to get enough money to buy food.

Foreign Suppliers

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

The Foreign Suppliers development point allows you to place food and firewood carts in the marketplace, providing a passive income of bread and firewood. If you have this development point unlocked (or have an extra point to use), we suggest placing a food cart.

With this cart, you will get bread as long as you have enough regional wealth. This may sound similar to trading at the Trading Post, but all bread that comes in this way does not require you to pay a transport fee, which cuts down on purchasing prices.

If you don't have this point, don't worry! It's not essential, but these carts are great for providing a little bit more food for your village.

Create A Pack Station Trade

Manor Lords: How To Provide Enough Food For Your Village

Pack stations are used to trade between territories that you are in control of. If you have a territory with a food shortage and another with plenty of food, consider setting up a pack station for trade. If you don't need to trade anymore, you can simply disable the pack station.

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