No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

Here’s how to master the powers of the Cerum and purge the Pestilence in No Rest for the Wicked!

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

No Rest for the Wicked is the latest Soulslike Action RPG from Moon Studios, a developer you may be familiar with if you've played the stunning Platforming Metroidvanias part of the Ori series. While this is quite a departure from their previous works, you can expect the same gorgeous visuals and engaging gameplay they're known for and then some.

The game starts with you assuming control of a Cerum, making you the last hope for humanity to purge the Pestilence, having you take down monstrous foes, populating a settlement, and much more. If you're a fan of Soulslikes, you should feel right at home with this entry to the genre, even if some aspects are at odds with one another.

No Rest for the Wicked is currently in Early Access, so everything is still subject to change and can be completely different when it fully releases in the future!

Exploration Is Crucial

As expected from most Soulslikes, exploration is a key aspect of No Rest for the Wicked, offering many valuable items and gear for your Cerum to stumble upon if you simply explore each area thoroughly.

Check out every nook and cranny in each region to find everything from Coins to equipment to ingredients for recipes and much more. Furthermore, Gathering Tools will help you get the most out of exploration. The table below will highlight the Gathering Tools available in No Rest for the Wicked and their uses!

Gathering Tools

Gathering Tool



Fishing Rod

Catches fish.

Fish can be used to create many different Meals via Recipes.


Digs roots and treasures up.

Can be used to uncover Roots and Treasures that range from Coins to Weapons to Ingredients and much more!

Dug-up roots can also be used to create Potions, Oils, and Elixirs!


Harvests ore.

Ore can be used to Repair, Infuse, and Enhance Weapons and Armor.

Woodcutter's Axe

Cuts trees down.

Used to obtain Wood, which can be used to create Planks and other Materials useful for crafting.

Choose Your Playstyle Wisely

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

Another expected element of a Soulslike is the various playstyles they naturally offer, enabling you to use fast-paced dual-blades and one-handed swords to land several strikes on your opponent in quick succession to lugging around a massive two-handed weapon that deals tremendous amounts of damage at the cost of agility.

And that's not even covering your ranged or magic options, which are very much a thing in No Rest for the Wicked as well. However, before diving into the play style of your choice, you should be wary of several aspects of the game that directly impact your combat and general gameplay.

Combat Stats Overview

There are several Stats in No Rest for the Wicked that will dictate which weapons you can and cannot use, making it crucial for you to level the Stats you need for your playstyle over the ones you will essentially never use.

If you are a fan of the large and encumbering greatswords, then Strength will be your go-to Stat. If the more agile and fast-paced blades are more your speed, then Dexterity should be your main focus. However, if you want to use Magic and Spells, Intelligence and Faith will likely be your focus.

Furthermore, some weapons require you to level up two different Stats to utilize them, especially if they are rare. Always be mindful of which Stats you need leveled up for the weapons in your Inventory and which ones benefit your playstyle the most. If you're holding onto stuff you will never use, you should sell it!

Hovering over a weapon in your Inventory will show you the Stat Requirements in its information box. Use this information to determine if you meet these requirements and what you need to focus on if you don't!

Be Mindful Of Your Equip Load

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

Speaking of Stats and being mindful of your Inventory, it's time to move onto the following topic: Your Equip Load. While dealing with Equip Load may not be anything new if you're familiar with the genre, it is handled a bit differently than you may expect in No Rest for the Wicked, so let's go over the basics.

There are three levels of Equip Load you must be mindful of if you want to get the most out of combat and mobility in the game, as there are certain drawbacks and perks that come with some of them. The table below will cover all levels of Equip Load in greater detail!

Equip Load Types

Equip Load




  • Uses the least amount of Stamina when performing actions.
  • Your Cerum is extremely fast and can dodge more frequently.
  • Gain access to a unique Dash that makes it harder for enemies to hit you.
  • Typically means you have less armor, making you receive more damage.


  • Uses moderate amounts of Stamina when performing actions.
  • Gain access to a Roll when dodging.
  • Can typically take more damage than its Fast counterpart.
  • Not nearly as agile as the Fast type.
  • Rolling isn't as effective as Dashing.


  • Gain access to a unique Shoulder Check option (L1+R1/LB+RB)
  • Can typically take the most damage out of the three types.
  • Sluggish movement.
  • Rolling/Evading is substantially slower than the others.

Increasing your Equip Load Stat will enable you to equip heavier equipment without the downsides of the Heavy Equip Load status. However, if you don't mind the drawbacks, you can never touch this Stat and gain access to the unique Shoulder Check ability when wearing heavy armor or wielding large weapons.

Utilize Every Attack Option

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

As you can tell, there are quite a lot of systems and mechanics present in No Rest for the Wicked, and that even extends into its combat. When in the heat of battle, it can be hard to utilize everything you have access to effectively, but there are some actions you should consistently implement during combat.

First, holding the attack button down will have you perform a charged attack, serving as the game's Heavy Attack, making it the best way to dish out damage. The next action we want to highlight is the running attack combo.

To perform this attack combo, you must sprint toward your target and then spam the attack button. This will have your Cerum perform a unique combo that deals a great deal of damage. However, be mindful of your Stamina here, as it can quickly become depleted if you become too wreckless!

Don't Sleep On Your Defensive Options

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

Keeping on the topic of combat and its many systems, your defensive options are equally as crucial to get down in this game as the offensive options. While dodging, blocking, and parrying incoming attacks is a staple of Soulslike games, it seems a bit more prominent here.

In most Soulslike titles, you can rely on dodge-rolling through every encounter, only sparingly utilizing guarding or parrying unless your specific build or playstyle calls for it. However, in No Rest for the Wicked, you must implement all these tools to survive more frequently due to how aggressive most of the enemies are.

If you find yourself struggling early on, try guarding and parrying incoming attacks more, especially on the foes that are blazingly fast or have a devastating leaping action. Simply guarding their attacks can open them up in ways that give you a clear advantage!

Stock Up On Recipes, You'll Need Them

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

While you can heal via Potions and Elixirs, your only healing option early on will come from consuming Meals you can prepare via Recipes. And, at the start of your journey, we strongly recommend preparing lots of Meals, as you will need them.

Before you tackle the game's first boss, we cannot stress how crucial exploring the region, gathering ingredients, and preparing Meals is in the long run. Some merchants will sell you recipes and ingredients, and you can even find Recipes in chests throughout the world.

We urge you to get your hands on as many Recipes as you can and create as many Meals as possible at campfires. These will not only replenish your health by a substantial amount, but some Meals will even offer you bonus effects that can go a long way!

It's also important to note that you should avoid consuming raw ingredients as much as possible, as they don't really offer much healing properties on their own and can better be served by being incorporated in a Meal that will give you much greater restorative properties!

Durability Exists And Must Be Monitored ly

Whether you love it or hate it, Equipment Durability is a thing in No Rest for the Wicked and must be taken seriously if you want to be at the top of your game. If you let your Durability go unchecked for an extended period, your gear will permanently break, making it unequippable for the remainder of the game.

Dying, attacking enemies, breaking things in the environment, and even falling off high things will impact your Equipment's Durability. To prevent your equipment from breaking, you must Repair it via the Blacksmith in Sacrament or with Repair Powder. Sacrament is the game's hub area, which becomes available upon defeating Warrick the Torn, and Repair Powder is sold by many different merchants.

You can monitor your Equipment's Durability by opening the menu and hovering over it. Once here, you will see an icon resembling a Forging Hammer. Next to this icon will be its Durability State, which is out of 100. So, it is in perfect condition if it reads 100/100. However, the lower the first number is, the worse its condition is.

The lower your Equipment's Durability is, the more costly it will be to Repair it, so we strongly suggest staying on top of it and Repairing your gear once it dips below 70, as it begins getting a bit costly from that point onward!

Cerim Whispers Don't Do What You Expect

No Rest For The Wicked: 8 Beginner Tips

Our last topic for this guide focuses on Cerim Whispers, which serve as No Rest for the Wicked's bonfires and checkpoints. However, as of now, they are handled very differently than you may suggest if you're a fan of Soulslikes.

Resting at a Cerim Whisper won't reset the enemies in the region, nor will it replenish your health. For now, they only serve as Restore Points for when you die and fast-travel points after gaining access to Sacrament.

So, if you're worried about enemies coming back if you rest at one, that's not the case here. You also cannot rely on them to replenish your health before a boss encounter, as that is also not an option. Activating and resting at one only marks it as your current checkpoint, making you respawn at it if you die in combat. So, as covered earlier, you must stock up on Meals, Potions, and Elixirs if you want to replenish your HP!

Enemies do respawn in areas, but only if you move far away from the area for an extended period. If you stay in the same location, the enemies you kill will remain dead until you travel to a new region and remain there for a prolonged period!

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