Here’s how to find Gordon in the Innkeeper’s Husband quest in No Rest for the Wicked.
No Rest for the Wicked is an immersive action RPG set in a land torn apart by a plague. As a Cerim, you must use your immense power to help the people of Sacra fix their city and drive back the plague.
Of course, you won't spend all your time slaying horrific beings or bandit clans. Sometimes, the simple villagers of Sacrament will need your help. The Innkeeper's Husband is a side quest you can get shortly after reaching the game's main city, but the solution to this quest can be difficult to find. Below, we'll take a look at everything you need to know about this quest.
How To Start The Innkeeper's Husband Quest
The Innkeeper's Husband quest is available as soon as you make it to Sacrament, the game's main hub and city. Near the front gate to Sacrament, you can find Caroline, who will tell you about her missing husband. Listen to her dialogue to begin this quest.
How To Complete The Innkeeper's Husband Quest
To find the Innkeeper's husband, head out the front gate of Sacrament and travel west, back through Mariner's Keep toward the Shallows.
In Mariner's Keep, look for the western exit to the Shallows; the one with a campfire to the left. Here, you'll be able to hear the Innkeeper's husband shouting for help, saying he's stuck on the old bridge.
To get to him, head to the west a short distance until you find the old crumbling tower. Circle around to the back of this tower and enter, where you'll find a Whisper. Climb up the ladders here to the top, then jump across the broken bridge to where the Innkeeper's Husband, Gordon, is waiting.
Speaking to him will reveal that he is stuck on the old bridge with no way down. To free him, you'll need to kick down the nearby ladder. Before you leave, be sure to loot the Western Bridge Key nearby.
Now, head back down into Mariner's Keep and head to the northwest. Travel up some ladders and staircases, and eventually, you'll find a locked door. Here, use the Western Bridge Key to unlock the door.
Continue to the west until you find another locked door, this time a large iron gate. To unlock it, spin the wheel nearby until the gate is fully opened.
Inside the gated area, head south to loop back around to the old bridge. Finally, kick down the ladder and talk to Gordon to complete this quest!
Gordon's Restaurant will now be open back in Sacrament. Here, you can buy food and common ingredients , as well as new recipes. Upgrading his shop will increase his available stock of wares.