Here’s how to take down Warrick the Torn in No Rest for the Wicked and gain access to Sacrament!
No Rest for the Wicked has many threats lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to pounce on you when you least expect it, making you constantly traverse its world on your toes and your head on a swivel. Then, there are the big guns that control their own space, killing anyone and anything that dares enter it. Such is the case for our first boss encounter against Warrick the Torn.
Being the first boss encounter in No Rest for the Wicked, Warrick isn't overly complex, but he still has access to quite a few devastating moves, devious attack strings, and annoying movements that will surely trip anyone who stumbles into his lair.
No Rest for the Wicked is currently in Early Access, so it is possible that Warrick's move list and rewards will change before its official release. In the event that happens, we will update this guide to accommodate those changes!
How To Defeat Warrick The Torn In No Rest For The Wicked
Despite being the first boss encounter in No Rest for the Wicked, Warrick the Torn still has access to a wide array of moves that will keep you locked in and ready to react. However, before you even think about taking him on, ensure you have lots of Meals cooked and prepared, as you will need them to heal throughout the encounter.
We recommend having at least ten Meals in your inventory and assigned to your hot bar. This will allow you to quickly consume them during the heat of combat. We used the Brothers Keepers (Dual Daggers) for this encounter, but we recommend using whatever you're most comfortable with for this fight. With all that aside, let's get into how to defeat Warrick the Torn!
Warrick The Torn: Overhead Slam
One of Warrick's most common attacks is his Overhead Slam, which has him lean back on his hind legs, raising his massive sword high above his head before slamming it downward in front of him, covering tremendous distance and dealing lots of damage.
The moment you see him go on his hind legs, begin running away from him, then quickly evade to either the right or left to escape the sword's area of effect. From here, you can swiftly follow up with an attack or two of your own before returning to a more defensive state!
Warrick The Torn: Thrusting Stab
From here, he will almost always perform a Thrusting Stab, having him lunge forward, extending his entire body while thrusting his massive sword out in front of him. Again, this covers a great distance and will deal lots of damage.
This move is a bit trickier to see coming, but as soon as you see him recoil back, quickly dash to his side and let him lunge forward. After he does this, you're free to follow up with three to four attacks yourself, making it one of the best ways to damage Warrick!
Warrick The Torn: Wide Cleave
Another common action of Warrick's is his Wide Cleave, which is telegraphed by him bringing his sword to his right side before swiftly swinging it out in front of himself and to the left, covering a wide arch. This move is quick and deadly, so look for it often and get ready to dodge it.
You can either run away from him to evade it entirely or guard it, but we recommend not trying to attack him afterward, as the attack is much too fast to really get in on him after he performs it. Just dodge the attack and prepare for whatever he throws at you next!
Warrick The Torn: Backslash
Similar to his Wide Cleave, Warrick will also perform a Backslash, which sees him swinging his massive sword from left to right this time. While it is a different attack, we recommend handling it the exact same way as the previous attack.
The moment you see him place the sword to the left of his body, either run away from him or begin guarding. After he completes the attack, prepare for his follow-up attack. There's no need to get greedy here and try attacking!
Warrick The Torn: Leaping Slam
A lesser common action of Warrick's at the start of the encounter is his Leaping Slam, which will become more prevalent as the fight continues (more on that later). However, this action is easily telegraphed by Warrick crouching down before leaping high into the air.
When Warrick launches himself into the air, begin running away from him, evading just before he hits the ground to avoid taking damage. After he lands, he will be temporarily immobile, enabling you to run up and perform several attacks on him!
Warrick The Torn: Spinning Slashes
Warrick the Torn's last attack will be his Spinning Slashes, having him violently spin toward you, unleashing multiple attacks from his sword in the process. This move is telegraphed by Warrick twisting his upper body away from you temporarily before beginning his onslaught.
When you see Warrick begin this attack, you can either run diagonally away from him, evading just before he hits you to avoid all damage, or you can attempt to guard through it. Either way, he will be exhausted after performing this action, allowing you to unleash several attacks of your own onto him afterward!
Warrick The Torn: Roaring Frenzy
Now it's time for the mid-phase shake-up. This occurs after you whittle his health down nearly halfway, resulting in Warrick letting out a tremendous roar before returning to his onslaught. While he doesn't gain any new moves here, he does become a bit more aggressive.
What this means is he will perform moves at a much faster rate, deal slightly more damage, and make attacks he rarely did more frequent, changing the tempo of the encounter quite significantly. Everything will be handled the same way as earlier but will be done at a much faster speed.
So, instead of getting three to four hits in, settle for one to two, and so on. Do not get overly greedy here, you have him figured out, you just need to focus on staying alive by avoiding his onslaught and getting hits in where you can!
Warrick The Torn: Rewards
Finally, after you successfully slay Warrick the Torn, you will gain access to the hub area of Sacrament and a handful of rewards that will help you on your journey. In addition to that, you will also get lots of EXP, likely taking you up a whole level.
You can learn more about the rewards in the table below. Some may be RNG, but this is the general gist of what you will receive upon defeating Warrick!
Reward |
Type |
x10 Bronze Coins |
Currency |
x2 Human Bone |
Resources |
Apple |
Ingredient |
Holy Prisoner Rags |
Armor |
Wretched Archer Cap |
Helmet |
With Sacrament now unlocked, you can Fast-Travel between discovered Cerim Whispers, enabling you to revisit areas and explore the world even further. You also have access to vendors and blacksmiths, allowing you to enhance, repair, and even craft new equipment for your Cerum.