Baldur's Gate 3 can be a challenging game if you're not that familiar with the intricacies of Dungeons & Dragons combat, but the pinnacle of challenge in the game is undoubtedly Honour Mode. You're only allowed one save slot, enemies hit really hard, and you die permanently, as the game forces you to start all the way from the beginning of should you meet your maker before rolling the credits.
Over the months since Honour Mode was introduced, we've seen players come up with all kinds of weird and wonderful strategies, whether it be summoning hordes of the undead, weaponized walking, or using Gale as a tactical nuke. However, for every successful Honour Mode run, there seems to be half a dozen unsuccessful ones, as we've seen stories about players losing a run during the epilogue party, for stealing Scratch's ball, and being taken out by Gale's dead body.
You need to make sure your concentration never dip for a single moment, and it's apparently something that the majority of the community struggle with. Baldur's Gate 3 released its current player statistics to celebrate the game's one year anniversary, and alongside announcing that more people bonked a Mind Flayer than Halsin in Bear Form, it was revealed that over 1.2 million Honour Mode playthroughs ended in failure.
Baldur's Gate 3 Players Have Failed Honour Mode Over 1.2 Million Times
You can see that stats above for yourself, which also reveals that a little over 141,000 players have managed to successfully complete Honour Mode. It's the failure rate we're more interested in here though as over 1.2 million deaths is a little over 8.5 times more failures than there are success, meaning your Honour Mode run is statistically more likely to end in disaster than triumph.
These stats are further built upon too, as Baldur's Gate 3 reveals that 76 percent of failed Honor Mode runs were rightfully deleted, while the remining 24 percent carried on via a Custom difficulty setting. I would call out everyone that did that, but the idea o having to start my 60 hour save all over again because of one unfortunate encounter sends a shiver up my spine. I'd probably be a coward in the scenario too.