Overwatch 2: Mirrorwatch Event Guide

Don’t worry, the Infantry is there.

Overwatch 2: Mirrorwatch Event Guide

The Mirrorwatch event has officially started in Overwatch 2, transporting our favorite heroes into an alternate universe where they fight for opposing organizations. In this event, Mercy leads Talon ruthlessly with a new rocket launcher, and characters like Widowmaker and Doomfist are Overwatch operatives with completely new skill sets.

On top of fighting with new abilities in the Mirrorwatch gamemode, you can also complete challenges to unlock Battlepass XP, weapon charms, a legendary Orisa skin, and more. If the twisted world of Mirrorwatch piques your interest, then check out the guide below to learn about everything the event has on offer.

How To Play Mirrorwatch

Overwatch 2: Mirrorwatch Event Guide

The main appeal of Mirrorwatch is the limited-time gamemode available in the Arcade until May 13th. In Mirrorwatch, you will get to pick between 12 characters that have had their visual appearances altered, and most importantly, their abilities are also reworked to match their new alignments.

Throughout the event, the Watchpoint Gibraltar map has also been changed to better match this alternate universe. Instead of the classic Overwatch logos found throughout the base, the entire map has been redecorated to match Talon's evil aesthetic.

Master The Reimagined Heroes And Villains

Below is a list of every character available to play in the Mirrorwatch gamemode, and their reimagined abilities. If an ability is not mentioned, then it has not been changed.


New Abilities

Overwatch Doomfist

  • Seismic Slam: Leap and smash the ground. Grant overhealth to self and nearby allies when leaping.
  • Power Block: Project a shield that blocks frontal attacks. Blocking heavy damage empowers Rocket Punch.
  • Meteor Strike: Leap into the air and move the targeting circle to strike down on the targeted area. Allies in the blast are granted overhealth.

Overwatch Sombra

  • Hack: Hold to hack allies only. Hacked allies have increased attack speed and overhealth. Enemies can not be hacked.
  • Virus: Infect enemies with a projectile that deals damage over time and decreases their damage dealt.
  • Anti-Virus: Grant health and increased attack speed to yourself and nearby allies.

Overwatch Widowmaker

  • Widow's Kiss: Charged sniper shots reveal enemies.
  • Silk Shield: Place a protective barrier.
  • Infra-Sight: Highlight weak points on enemies.

Talon Ana

  • Biotic Rifle: Long-range rifle that heals allies and damages enemies instantly. Can headshot.
  • Nano Boost: Can be used on yourself to reduce incoming damage. During the Nano Boost, your Biotic Rifle deals increased healing and reduces enemy healing.
  • Lunge: Activate to double jump.

Talon Brigitte

  • Repair Pack: Heal an ally and grant them lifesteal.
  • Whip Shot: Launch your flail toward an enemy to pull them r.
  • Shield Bash: Deploy a shield to block damage. When the shield breaks, Shield Bash becomes empowered. Bashing enemies with an empowered Shield Bash lights them on fire.

Talon Echo

  • Sticky Bombs: Fire a volley of homing bombs that stick to enemies and detonate after a delay
  • Flight: Activating flight can damage and knock back enemies.
  • Focusing Beam: Channel a beam that deals very high damage to targets with less than half health, and also slows enemies.
  • Maximum Efficiency: Increase attack speed and reduce all cooldowns.

Talon Mercy

  • Caduceus Staff: Hold Primary Fire to heal an ally, while Secondary Fire will increase an ally's damage and deal damage to any nearby enemies.
  • Soul Burn: Detonate a fallen ally or enemy.
  • Revenge: Gain the ability to fly and fire rockets. All abilities are enhanced.

Talon Reinhardt

  • Barrier Field: Hold Secondary Fire to deploy a frontal energy barrier that increases the damage of allied projectiles. When the shield breaks, gain movement speed.
  • Earthshatter: Knock down all enemies in a narrow path in front of you.
  • Frenzy (Passive): Damage from Rocket Hammer (Primary Fire) increases your attack speed.

Talon Tracer

  • Blink: Teleport in the direction you are moving. Take damage to teleport additional times.
  • Bloodthirst: After dealing enough continuous damage, attack speed is increased and damage steals health from enemies.

Talon Zarya

  • Particle Cannon: Second Fire shoots piercing energy orbs in a straight line.
  • Particle Barrier: Barriers now knock back and damage enemies when they expire.
  • Expulsion Zone: Launch a gravity surge that pushes enemies away.

Gwinshin Bastion

  • Configuration Recon: Mobile mode now has a powerful shotgun.
  • Configuration Intel: Reveal nearby enemies and gain increased attack and reload speed.
  • A-36 Tactical Grenade: Fire a bomb that bounces off walls when it impacts enemies or the ground. This grenade deals no damage to yourself.
  • Configuration Reinforcement: Become immobile and deploy up to four allied Slicers.

Z-3N Destroyer Zenyatta

  • Orb of Harmony: Launch this orb to an ally to heal them. Deal damage to increase the healing.
  • Orb of Discord: Launch this orb at an enemy to increase the damage they take. Deal damage to increase the damage they take over time.
  • Interdiction Zone: Create a field that prevents enemies from using abilities.

How To Complete Mirrorwatch Event Challenges

Overwatch 2: Mirrorwatch Event Guide

Most of the Mirrorwatch Event Challenges can be completed by just playing the new gamemode for a significant amount of time, while others require you to play a specific role, such as healer.

It is important to note that all the Mirrorwatch Event Challenges can only be completed by playing the new limited-time gamemode, so your quick play or ranked games will not complete any of these challenges.

Below are the Mirrorwatch Event Challenges, and their various rewards:




Mirrorwatch Hero I

Complete four Mirrorwatch challenges.

  • Mirrorwatch Gibraltar Namecard
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Hero II

Complete nine Mirrorwatch challenges.

  • OR-UNIT Orisa Skin
  • 10,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Flex Hero I

Complete eight games queued for all roles in Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • 5,000 XP

Mirrorwatch Flex Hero II

Complete 16 games queued for all roles in Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • Staff of Vengeance Namecard
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Tank Master

Use your ultimate 20 times playing as a tank hero in Mirrorwatch.

  • Mirrorwatch Talon Icon
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Damage Master

Use your ultimate 20 times playing as a damage hero in Mirrorwatch.

  • Antivirus Icon
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Support Master

Use your ultimate 20 times playing as a support hero in Mirrorwatch.

  • Arch-Commandant Amari Icon
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Operative

Complete eight games of Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • Justice Delivered — Widowmaker Voiceline
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Agent

Complete 16 games of Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • Mirrorwatch Athena Spray
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Captain

Complete 24 games of Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • Your Emotions — Ana Voiceline
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Mirrorwatch Commander

Complete 32 games of Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • Talon Logo Weapon Charm
  • 5,000 Battlepass XP

Talon Trooper

Complete 50 games of Mirrorwatch. Wins grant double progress.

  • Arch-Commandant Title

How To Unlock The OR-UNIT Orisa Skin

Overwatch 2: Mirrorwatch Event Guide

To unlock the OR-UNIT Orisa skin, you will have to complete nine of the available event challenges before Mirrorwatch ends. Similar to other Overwatch 2 events, you do not have to complete challenges in any specific order, so you can select the nine that you find the easiest to complete to earn the skin quickly.

Once you complete nine challenges, the legendary Orisa skin will automatically be added to your inventory, and you can equip the skin in the Hero Selection tab.

Just because you have unlocked the Orisa skin does not mean that you have to stop completing challenges. Since there are 12 challenges added alongside this event, you will still have two more to complete if you want to earn all the rewards.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: