Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

Can’t find the Pal you want? Check to see if you can hatch it instead.

Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

Having trouble catching the Pal you want in Palworld? Well, lucky for you, capturing Pals isn't the only way to beef up your Pal party. If you're having difficulty finding or capturing a Pal, you still have a chance to get that Pal from an egg.

Every Pal element type in the game has a corresponding egg, and if you're lucky, you can find those eggs hidden around the map. When wandering, capturing, and hunting Pals isn't working, take a break and explore the map. Even if you don't find the egg you're looking for, you'll still have a clutch to hatch when you return to base.

Updated on April 18, 2024, by Eva Csaki: With so many patches being added to the game, Palworld is constantly evolving. To keep up with the ever-changing landscape of the Palpagos Islands, we've gone over our guides to ensure we're keeping you up to date on all the newest additions to the game. We've returned to this guide to update the list of Pals you can hatch and how to find their eggs.

How Are Pal Eggs Classified?

Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

Pal eggs are categorized in two main ways: size and element type. Every Pal egg you find will have both a size and element classification. The combination of size and element type will determine which Pals you can hatch from those eggs.

What Are The Pal Egg Sizes?

Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

There are three sizes of Pal eggs, and each one has a different weight and different Pals that can be hatched from them. The size of the Pal you can hatch from that egg directly corresponds to the size of the egg.

For example, a regular-sized egg will hatch a regular-sized Pal, while a huge egg will hatch a huge Pal.

Egg size also determines the weight of that egg, which might not seem like a big deal until your inventory is bogged down by just a few eggs. Rarer eggs especially weigh much more than other eggs.

Here's the breakdown of egg sizes, weights, and hatchable Pal sizes:

Egg Size

Egg Weight

Pal Size

Regular Egg

10 lbs

Regular (like Pengullet)

Large Egg


Large Pals (Like Grintale)

Huge Egg


Huge Pals (Like Relaxaurus)

What Are The Pal Egg Types?

Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

The second classification category for Pal eggs is Pal element type. There are nine Pal elements in Palworld, and each has a corresponding egg type.

Pals can only hatch from eggs of the same Pal element and size as themselves. If you're confused about categorization, check the target Pal's Paldeck page.

For example, to get a Water Element Pal, you need to hatch a Damp Egg.

Each egg will resemble the element type it hatches. Damp Eggs are a deep shade of blue with light blue water drops on them, while Electric Eggs are yellow with black electricity bolts on them, a similar mechanic to a Skill Fruit's appearance.

The following egg types hatch the following Pal Element Types:

Egg Element

Pal element

Egg Appearance

Damp Egg

Water Element Pals

Dark blue with water droplets

Dark Egg

Dark Element Pals

Dark purple with magenta spiral galaxy shapes

Rocky Egg

Ground Element Pals

Light brown with dark brown interlocking pentagon shapes

Common Egg

Neutral Element Pals

Pink and white horizontal stripes

Verdant Egg

Grass Element Pals

Light green with horizontal dark green squiggly stripes

Electric Egg

Electric Element Pals

Yellow with black zigzig lightning bolts

Frozen Egg

Ice Element Pals

Light blue with white snowflakes

Scorching Egg

Fire Element Pals

Dark orange with yellow flames at the top and bottom

Dragon Egg

Dragon Element Pals

Purple with black zigzag horizontal stripes

There's no way to predict where a specific egg element type will spawn. The best way to get eggs of many types is to explore the map thoroughly . Eggs like to spawn in crevices, on ledges, around corners , and at the top of high structures .

All Pals Hatched From Eggs

Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

Not every Pal in Palworld can hatch from the eggs you find around the map, but the list of hatchable Pals is still substantial. And since hatching Pals is a passive process, it doesn't hurt to have one egg in the Incubator at all times.

Here's the full breakdown of which Pals can be hatched from which egg types:

Pal Egg Type

Pals You Can Hatch

(Regular) Damp Egg

  • Celaray
  • Fuack
  • Gobfin
  • Kelpsea
  • Pengullet
  • Surfent
  • Teafant

Large Damp Egg

  • Penking
  • Azurobe

Huge Damp Egg

  • Suzaku Aqua

(Regular) Dark Egg

  • Cawgnito
  • Daedream
  • Depresso
  • Hoocrates
  • Killamari
  • Leezpunk
  • Loupmoon
  • Mau

Large Dark Egg

  • Felbat
  • Helzephyr
  • Incineram Noct
  • Katress
  • Maraith
  • Nox
  • Tombat

Huge Dark Egg

  • Frostallion Noct
  • Lyleen Noct
  • Menasting
  • Necromus
  • Shadowbeak

(Regular) Rocky Egg

  • Dumud
  • Fuddler
  • Hangyu
  • Rushoar

Large Rocky Egg

  • Digtoise
  • Eikthyrdeer Terra
  • Surfent Terra

Huge Rocky Egg

  • Anubis
  • Warsect

(Regular) Common Egg

  • Cattiva
  • Chikipi
  • Cremis
  • Direhowl
  • Eikthyrdeer
  • Fenglope
  • Galeclaw
  • Melpaca
  • Mozzarina
  • Nitewing
  • Ribbuny
  • Tocotoco
  • Vixy
  • Woolipop

Large Common Egg

  • Gorirat
  • Grintale
  • Lovander
  • Lunaris

Huge Common Egg

  • Kingpaca
  • Paladius

(Regular) Verdant Egg

  • Beegarde
  • Bristla
  • Caprity
  • Cinnamoth
  • Flopie
  • Gumoss
  • Lifmunk
  • Tanzee

Large Verdant Egg

  • Broncherry
  • Dinossom
  • Mossanda
  • Robinquil
  • Robinquil Terra

Huge Verdant Egg

  • Broncherry Aqua
  • Elizabee
  • Lyleen
  • Mammorest
  • Petallia
  • Vaelet
  • Verdash
  • Wumpo Botan

(Regular) Electric Egg

  • Dazzi
  • Jolthog
  • Sparkit

Large Electric Egg

  • Beakon
  • Dinossom Lux
  • Mossanda Lux
  • Rayhound
  • Univolt

Huge Electric Egg

  • Grizzbolt
  • Orserk
  • Relaxaurus Lux

(Regular) Frozen Egg

  • Chillet
  • Hangyu Cryst
  • Jolthog Cryst
  • Mau Cryst
  • Reindrix
  • Swee

Large Frozen Egg

  • Cryolinx
  • Foxcicle
  • Ice Reptyro
  • Sibelyx
  • Sweepa
  • Vanwyrm Cryst
  • Wumpo

Huge Frozen Egg

  • Frostallion
  • Ice Kingpaca
  • Mammorest Cryst

(Regular) Scorching Egg

  • Arsox
  • Flambelle
  • Foxparks
  • Gobfin Ignis
  • Incineram
  • Kelpsea Ignis
  • Leezpunk Ignis
  • Rooby
  • Vanwyrm

Large Scorching Egg

  • Blazehowl
  • Bushi
  • Kitsun
  • Pyrin
  • Pyrin Noct
  • Ragnahawk
  • Reptyro
  • Wixen

Huge Scorching Egg

  • Blazamut
  • Blazehowl Noct
  • Faleris
  • Suzaku

(Regular) Dragon Egg

  • Chillet

Large Dragon Egg

  • Azurobe
  • Dinossom
  • Dinossom Lux
  • Elphidran
  • Quivern

Huge Dragon Egg

  • Astegon
  • Elphidran Aqua
  • Jetragon
  • Jormuntide
  • Jormuntide Ignis
  • Orserk
  • Relaxaurus
  • Relaxaurus Lux

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Regular-sized eggs will not have a size tagged onto their egg name in the wild. We've added their size rating here so you know how large the eggs are and can prep your inventory space according to the accompanying weight chart. Remember, the larger the egg, the heavier.

Some Pals can be hatched from more than one type of egg , so if you are looking to fill your team with several Dinossom (one of the best Pals to use to take down Zoe and Grizzbolt in the Rayne Syndicate Tower), then you should look for Large Verdant Eggs and Large Dragon Eggs.

You will also notice that some Pals on this list do not show up under their base element egg type. This is because some Pals have more than one element classification.

It's not always obvious which element will be dominant when determining which Pals will hatch from which eggs, so it is a good idea to refer to this list often.

Robinquil Terra , for example, is classified under both the Grass and Ground Element, but you can only get either Robinquil or its Terra version from Large Verdant Eggs.

Tips For Finding And Hatching Pal Eggs

Palworld: Every Pal Hatched From Eggs

Before you can hatch a Pal egg, you first need to find it. No one formula determines where Pal eggs will spawn or which Pal eggs will spawn in the same spot, but a good general rule of thumb is that Pal eggs will spawn off the beaten path.

On the spawn island, for example, there are several large rocky outcroppings toward the center of the island. Some of these outcroppings frequently sport Pal eggs at their tops. You can climb up these rocks to retrieve the eggs or use a flying mount to get there and down safely.

Other good places to look for eggs include hidden ledges, corners, and crevices. Sometimes, you'll find eggs up high on a ledge across a body of water, or on a low overhang you can't see from the top of a cliff.

The only way to find these eggs is to think outside the box and travel in a more erratic, exploratory fashion.

We have a complete guide on how to hatch eggs in Palworld, but the gist of it is that you'll need an Incubator to do so. To learn the Incubator crafting recipe, check the Ancient Technology Point category in your Technology tab.

The general idea when hatching eggs is that each egg — depending on size or rarity — will take a different amount of time to hatch depending on how comfortable the egg is in its current environment.

Some eggs need to be incubated in warmer weather, while others will grow better in the cold. At the end of the day, all eggs will incubate regardless of the temperature. The only real difference that temperature makes is how quickly the egg will incubate.

Comfortable eggs will incubate more quickly , while uncomfortable eggs will take a little more time to hatch.

You can use standing torches, campfires, coolers, heaters, and Ice or Fire Element Pals to change the temperature of the area around your Incubator.

If you don't want to speed incubation times up manually, you can also adjust your world settings in the world settings screen. Here, lowering your difficulty settings to normal or below will speed up the time it takes to incubate your eggs.

If you still want faster incubation times than lowering your difficulty settings provides, then you can adjust the game's incubation-specific settings in the World Screen as well. Use the slider under the '(h) to incubate massive egg' tab. This adjusts the incubation time for all egg types.

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