Palworld: How To Get The Guild Chest

In Palworld, you can catch several monsters called Pals and make them help you out on your base with different tasks. As you progress, you’ll be able to build additional bases, allowing you to gather different types of resources while also serving as a fast travel point.

However, transferring items from one base to the other can be a chore due to the limited inventory space, and most crafting materials are incredibly heavy. The Feybreak Update has brought a solution to this problem with Guild Chests, which allows you to share the resources between bases with ease.

How To Get The Guild Chest

Palworld: How To Get The Guild Chest

The Guild Chest can be unlocked with four Ancient Technology Points from the Technology menu at level 40. After unlocking it, you’ll need the following materials to craft it:

Materials Required

How To Obtain

50x Refined Ingot

Refined Ingots can be crafted at an Improved Furnace or better, using 2x Ore and 2x Coal.

  • Coal deposits are usually found at the top of mountains or in the middle of a desert area. These deposits appear as large black rocks and can be mined with a pickaxe.
  • Ore deposits can also be found all over the map, but you can also obtain Ore by building an Ore Mining Site at your base, which will allow you to gather large quantities of this material without much effort.

100x Paldium Fragment

The best way to get large quantities of Paldium Fragments is to build a Crusher and use it to convert regular stones into Paldium Fragments.

10x Ancient Civilization Parts

Ancient Civilization Parts can be easily obtained by defeating any Alpha Pal. You can find them by going to the location denoted by the Pal Icons on the Map.

The Guild Chest is found on the third page of the Storage tab in the Build Menu.

How To Use The Guild Chest

Palworld: How To Get The Guild Chest

The Guild Chest is different from regular storage structures because the contents of a Guild Chest are shared across all bases. Once you’ve built this chest inside your base, you’ll be able to store your items in it. Keep in mind that the Guild Chest doesn’t feature any security options, and can be accessed by other players in the Multiplayer mode.

To fully use this storage structure, you’ll have to place a Guild Chest inside at least two of your bases. After that, if you put any items in the Guild Chest in the first base, you’ll be able to access them directly when you open the Guild Chest in the second. You can only build one Guild Chest per base, so think carefully about where you want to place it before building it.

Any food items that have been placed inside the Guild Chest will have their depletion time frozen, so you can also use them to store emergency food for your Pals.

Guild Chests can only be accessed by players, and your Pals won’t be able to store or take out any items from them. However, you can set which items can be stored inside the Guild Chest by accessing the Chest Settings, which will give you a list where you can deselect the items that you don’t want to store inside the Guild Chest.

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