General Krowa is blazingly fast on his custom Hoverjet. Here’s how to stop him in his tracks.
The bosses in the early parts of Sand Land are pretty straightforward, but once new villains like General Krowa arrive on the scene, you can expect some tough fights. Krowa can be a frustrating opponent due to his Hoverjet's extreme speed and handling; he can't be taken down through brute force alone.
If you find Krowa flying in circles around you with no relief in sight, try changing your strategy. Read on to find out how we took the brash general down a peg and put the Hoverjet out of commission.
Recommended Loadout
You need a fast vehicle to even think about keeping up with Krowa. By default, the fight is designed for you to use the Motorbike, but the Dirt Buggy is a great choice as well thanks to its superior handling and long-range options.
To get the Dirt Buggy, win its Core Frame on the northeastern race track before traveling to the Aquanium Blast Site. Once you have it, Ann can build this speedy vehicle at the Spino Garage.
Equip your Dirt Buggy with an Incendiary Rocket Launcher and ensure that both vehicles' Machine Guns have Burst Fire. The former helps you put damage on Krowa even when you miss, while the latter lets you fire more bullets in a short period of time by mashing the trigger.
Before going to the Blast Site, find a Peddler and be sure to fill up on Repair Kits. A few Armor Up and Firepower Up Kits couldn't hurt, either.
General Krowa Boss Fight Strategy
Krowa zooms around the outside circumference of the ruins, taunting you and launching missiles. He frequently changes direction and can turn on a dime, so keep an eye on the exclamation mark indicator to know where he is even when he isn't on screen.
When Krowa's bike gets a red aura , he's executing a drift turn; expect him to reverse direction.
If you're using the Motorbike, your strategy will be to stay behind Krowa as much as possible while firing away. Use your Machine Gun while he's at medium range, then quickly switch to the Shotgun if you're able to draw him to point-blank range. Try to anticipate his turns and get in a good shot as you pass him.
The best place to attack Krowa is always from directly behind him; the trouble is staying there!
With the Dirt Buggy, you don't need to stay as ; you might have a better time keeping to the middle of the arena while driving in a tight circle to keep Krowa in sight. Launch rockets well ahead of Krowa so that he drives into them when they cross his path. This can be tricky to get right, but offers a lot of damage potential when you pull it off.
Krowa's top speed falls along with his HP; the more damage you do, the slower he'll drive.
The main thing to watch out for during this fight is Krowa's missile launcher. He fires large salvos that deal heavy damage and set your vehicle on fire. Neither the Dirt Buggy nor the Motorbike can stand up to sustained damage, so if you can't outrun a missile, shoot it down. Use Repair Kits whenever your vehicle's health drops below half, or switch to the other one if you are out of heals.