Sand Land — How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

One of Sand Land’s most versatile vehicles is the Jump-Bot. Here’s how you can get your demonic hands on it.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

As you'd expect from a game based on a manga centred around an iconic vehicle, Sand Land has a lot of different rides for Beelzebub to unlock and use to traverse the harsh deserts.

Although a few of the vehicles you can unlock in Sand Land are fairly standard, like the tank, car, and bike, there are a few that are a little more interesting, like the hover car and battle armour. Perhaps the most unique of all, though, is the Jump-Bot, a bipedal mech that can be used to hop around the environment and launch bombs at enemies.

How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

The Jump-Bot is the second vehicle you'll unlock in Sand Land, following the tank you get early on in the game. You'll actually hear about the Jump-Bot around the time you properly unlock the Tank. After stealing it from Napps Base, you'll drive the Tank to a nearby town called Spino, which eventually starts a new quest called "A Jump Bot?! Gimme!".

As you can probably guess from that name, this quest focuses on Beelzebub and the gang trying to find the parts for a Jump-Bot so that they can use it to get around Sand Land more easily. Talk to Mayor Tor to start the quest and then follow the marker all the way to the Junker's Market.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

While here, talk to the NPCs and you'll eventually hear from one called For about where you can find a Core Frame to build the Jump-Bot. You'll be directed to Lisab Battleship, which is just ahead from the Junker's Market. Follow the quest marker and make your way through the Battleship, which will require a bit of platforming and using the Tank to shoot through pipes and cranes blocking the way.

You'll get the choice whether to "Negotiate" or "Pay" For but, beyond some flavour text, the outcome is the same and you won't have to actually pay anything.

Don't worry, though, as the quest marker will always point you in the right direction. You can go off the beaten path to find some collectibles and items, but it's not a necessity. Keep going through the Battleship and you'll eventually get into a fight with a Wannabe Junker, who is using a Jump-Bot himself.

Defeat The Wannabe Junker To Get The Core Frame

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

This boss fight is incredibly simple and will just require you to move around with your Tank and shoot the junker whenever you've got spare ammo. One of the key aspects of Sand Land's gameplay loop is rhythmically swapping between your two weapons and shooting one while the other is reloading, which will make this fight a breeze.

The only real challenge from this fight is when the Wannabe Junker jumps in the air to stomp on you, which is easily avoided by moving the Tank when Rao loudly announces it. Once you've defeated the Junker, you'll need to leave the Battleship and travel back to Spino. Once there, you'll trigger a cutscene which reveals more about Rao's history.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Jump-Bot

After that, head over to the Garage and talk to Ann to build the Jump-Bot. You'll need to have at least 1,600 Zeni and a very small amount of several different materials, including B-grade Gunpowder, Steel, and Meter. Don't worry, though, as you'll have enough of those from naturally exploring and defeating enemies up to that point. Once you've built the Jump-Bot, you'll be able to access it by throwing a Capsule by pressing right on the D-Pad.

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