Sand Land — How To Unlock The Motorbike

If you want to head South in Sand Land, you’re going to need to need a faster ride — here’s how to get it.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

As Beelzebub, Rao, and Thief journey across Sand Land, they'll come across a variety of different vehicles that all offer a range of purposes, from the battle-ready Tank to the cliff-scaling Jump-Bot.

As awesome as those vehicles are, for the first few hours of Sand Land, you're going to be begging for a faster way to traverse the desert, especially if you haven't unlocked the Car and decided to make it focus on pumping up its engine. That's where the speed-focused Motorbike comes in.

How To Unlock The Motorbike

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

Unlike the Car, which is entirely optional and can be missed if the player doesn't spend time unlocking it, the Motorbike is an essential unlock in Sand Land and something you'll run into as you progress through the main story. After defeating the Swimmers and trying to traverse further to the South of Sand Land in search of the Legendary Spring, the party will encounter quicksand that sinks them unless they move fast.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

This starts the "Headin' South!" quest, and to complete it you're going to need to build a Motorbike. Head back to Spino and talk to Ann, who will tell you that she can easily build the Motorbike if you go and find its Core Frame with her. Follow the map marker to Talbo (fast-travel there if you want to save some time) and then use the Jump-Bot to climb the cliff, which puts you in the Pterano Nest area.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

Once you've reached the top, you'll need to take out Don Pterano, a massive Pterano that is one of the game's earlier challenge checks. He's easy enough to defeat if you stick with the Tank and never stop moving, swapping between the machine gun to take down the smaller Pternos and shooting the missiles at Don Pterano whenever you get the chance.

Make sure to avoid the fire that Don Pternao spits on the ground, as it can actually deal a heck of a lot more damage than you're expecting — even in the Tank!

Keep strafing and gunning Don Pternao down whenever you've reloaded, and he'll eventually be defeated. After that, grab the Core Frame and head back to Spino to Ann's Garage, where the real challenge of building the Motorbike begins.

What Materials You'll Need To Build The Motorbike

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

Once you head back to Spino with the Core Frame, Ann will say that she doesn't need a blueprint like she did with the Jump-Bot, as she's fixed her Motorbike on many occasions. All she needs are the parts for it, which is where things get a little more complicated. To build the Motorbike's basic parts, you'll need:

  • B-Grade Gunpowder — 7
  • B-Grade Meter — 3
  • B-Grade Sensor — 2
  • B-Grade Spring — 8
  • Pterno Rubber — 4
  • Scorpion Oil — 4
  • Raptor Steel — 15

Although the B-Grade materials and Pterano Rubber are easy-to-find materials that you'll need to defeat enemies in vehicles or Pteranos themselves to get, the Raptor Steel and Scorpion Oil are a little more complicated. These items can be found in chests from time to time, but the most reliable way to get them is at a Workshop.

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

There's a Workshop in the Junker's Market in Lisab (which you visit in the main story and can fast-travel back to) but there's also an early-game sidequest that lets you unlock a Workshop in Spino, so that's worth doing if you don't want to be jumping to a new location whenever you need Raptor Steel.

To craft Raptor Steel at a Workshop, you'll need 1-B Grade Steel and 2 Raptor Scales for the easiest recipe. These drop from defeating enemies in vehicles and killing Raptors. To craft Scorpion Oil, you'll need 1 Vegetable Oil and 1 Killer Scorpion Venom, which are also easy to find and come from chests and killing Scorpions.

Building The Motorbike

Sand Land - How To Unlock The Motorbike

Once you've got all the parts for the Motorbike, you might think you're done and ready to build it, but that isn't the case. Go to Make Vehicle and select the Motorbike to put all of the parts together. As you do, you'll need a few more materials, as well as 2,200 Zeni. Those materials are:

  • B-Grade Steel — 8
  • B-Grade Bolt — 18
  • Raptor Steel — 4

That might seem like a pain, but the only one here that should give you any trouble is Raptor Steel, which you should now have a reliable way to make, especially since the ingredients are so easy to find and should just require killing a few more raptors at most. With that done, build the Motorbike and get ready for the next step of your adventure.

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