Looking for an easy way to craft materials to create vehicles? Then you’ll need to beat this essential side quest.
In order to conquer the brutal desert world of Sand Land, you're going to need to build and upgrade your roster of vehicles at Ann's Garage whenever you get the chance.
That's initially a very easy task in the opening hours of Sand Land, as most of the building requirements are slim and just require you to pick up whatever B-Grade materials you can find after defeating enemies and combine them with a Core Frame. After a while, though, vehicle parts and upgrades start to require more intricate and complicated resources, such as the infamous Raptor Steel and Scorpion Oil. To do this, you'll need a Workshop.
What Does A Workshop Let You Do?
As the name implies, Workshops are locations in Sand Land that allow you to use your collected resources to craft materials that can then be used when building or upgrading vehicles. There are a few workshops located across the key areas of Sand Land, and they all have the same material requirements when crafting.
The easiest Workshop to find in Sand Land is in the Junker's Market in Lisab. Once you've built the Jump-Bot, return here and stick to the right side to find an NPC that will allow you to craft some of the game's rarer materials. In the opening hours of Sand Land, you'll have to get used to fast-travelling to this location whenever upgrading a vehicle, so it's best to get acquainted with its location.
If you're sick of all the fast-travelling, though, then there's actually an easier way, as one of the game's early side quests will end with you building a Workshop in Spino that is right next to Ann's Garage. Talk about convenience.
How To Unlock The Spino Workshop
To start the process of unlocking the Spino Workshop, you'll first need to complete a few side quests around Sand Land to recruit more people to the town. Getting enough new residents, which is a completely optional part of the game and can be ignored for the main quest, will cause a new side quest to pop up in the town from Mayor Tor.
Once this cutscene has played, go over to Mayor Tor and chat with him. He'll point out that Spino is in need of a material processor so that new buildings and furniture can be made for the residents. In doing so, he'll ask Beelzebub to travel to Talbo and talk to Nors, a great craftsman he once knew, which starts the Tinkerer Siblings side quest.
You've already been to Talbo as part of the main quest, so fast-travel over there and head to the marker on the map. Once here, you'll find a man named Stan who tells you that Nors has passed away. After chatting for a bit, Stan's sister Ves will come over and agree to come to Spino with you, which causes an argument between the siblings over who gets to leave and who stays.
Where To Find Puraptor Scales
In order to settle their argument, you'll need to find Puraptor Scales and bring it back to the siblings to see who can build a better Raptor Scale from the material. Follow the map marker to the Raptor Cave begin the hunt for the Puraptor Scales, which involves climbing a cliff with the Jump-Bot and slowly making your way to the Puraptor den.
You'll know when you've arrived once you run into the Puraptors, which are rare white variants of the red raptors you've likely spent most of the game gunning down. Kill them and collect their scales and return to the siblings. Give them each a Puraptor Scale to see that Ves is clearly inexperienced, which causes the group to give her another chance.
At this point, I was worried that you'd have to go back out and get more Puraptor Scales, but that's not the case as you should have enough from the ones you killed earlier. Hand another one to Ves to trigger another cutscene where she messes up again, causing you to need to give her another scale. Do so and she'll finally make a worthy Raptor Steel.
Should You Choose Stan Or Ves?
After this cutscene, the player will be tasked with choosing whether Stan or Ves joins you in Spino. Stan is less happy to do so but appears to be more skilled, while Ves is very keen but took a few attempts to make a Raptor Steel, so this might seem like it's a difficult decision that will impact the cost of crafting.
As it turns out, though, this choice doesn't make a difference to the Workshop at all and just decides who runs it. You'll get the same results whether you choose Stan or Ves, so it's completely up to you on who you want to chat with whenever you're looking to make materials in Spino.
I went for Ves for my playthrough, as her motivations for leaving are understandable and she actually wants to leave Talbo. Suck it, Stan.
What You Can Do In The Spino Workshop
Once you've picked a sibling and returned to Spino, a cutscene will play and a new building will pop up in the town, which is conveniently right across from Ann's Garage. Now, instead of having to return to the Junker's Market or go to another town whenever you need Raptor Steel or something else to upgrade a vehicle, you can just stay in Spino and run it right over to the Garage.
It should be noted, though, that there's no difference between the cost of crafting between the Spino Workshop and the other ones you can find in the game. You'll need the same materials no matter where you go, but it's still a lot easier to get it all done in Spino instead of travelling around everywhere.