Stardew Valley: Complete Guide To The Dangerous Mines

Bored of the regular Mines? Too OP for Skull Cavern? Try your hand at the Dangerous Mines in Stardew Valley.

Stardew Valley: Complete Guide To The Dangerous Mines

If you’re starting to feel a little too OP for the regular Mines and Skull Cavern in Stardew Valley, then you’d do well to consider trying your hand at the Dangerous Mines. One of the many Qi Challenges in the Walnut Room, you’ll be tasked with doing the Mines all over again without the elevator.

Located within the Dangerous Mines are monsters far more vicious than you’re used to, all of whom deal much more damage and have vastly better buffs – but they also drop better loot as a result. Here’s everything you need to know about the Dangerous Mines.

How To Unlock The Dangerous Mines

Stardew Valley: Complete Guide To The Dangerous Mines

To gain access to the Dangerous Mines in Stardew Valley, you'll first need to reach floor 120 in the regular Pelican Town Mines. It's also how you find the Skull Key that allows you access to Skull Cavern. After you've reached floor 120 for the first time, you'll then need to make your way to Ginger Island and head over to the Walnut Room just past your Island Farm on the Western side of the island.

Here, you'll be able to accept Qi Challenges once per week, each offering some pretty sweet rewards after you've located 100 Golden Walnuts and gained access to the Walnut Room. Inside, alongside a shop where you can cash in your challenge rewards, is the Qi's Special Orders Board.

Similar to the Special Orders board in town, Mr. Qi offers some extra-tough optional quests, which are usually best saved for end-game players. The challenge you're looking for is the Danger in the Deep Qi Challenge, which pops up for grabs just as often as the others, so be sure to check diligently every Monday when the quests change over.

Stardew Valley: Complete Guide To The Dangerous Mines

Accepting the Danger in the Deep quest automatically turns the Pelican Town Mines "dangerous," which completely changes the Mines and the monsters within. Your challenge here is to make it to floor 120 without using elevators, which means you'll essentially need to do the Mines all over again without access.

Once you've battled your way to the bottom with the quest active and turned it in to Mr. Qi, you'll then begin to find the Shrine of Challenge on floor 120 of the Mines. This allows you to then choose to toggle the Dangerous Mines on or off at your discretion.

Since the Dangerous Mines are your only way to farm Radioactive Ore , it's good to have the option without needing to wait for the quest to pop up a second time — simply flip the switch at the Shrine of Challenge and wait for the following day.

Can You Use Staircases In The Dangerous Mines?

Stardew Valley: Complete Guide To The Dangerous Mines

If you're looking for a bit of an exploit to help you make your way to the bottom of the Dangerous Mines as you work through the Danger in the Deep quest, you'll be glad to know you can stock up on Staircases to use in the Dangerous Mines.

Since the elevators don't work in the Dangeous Mines (until you've reached the bottom of the Dangerous Mines the first time with Danger in the Deep active, that is), and since there are so many monsters coming at you, Staircases can help in a pinch.

If you don't feel like fighting all these Dangerous Monsters, and you have more resources than patience or affinity for combat, we won't judge you if you use Staircases to get down to floor 120 to complete the challenge.

By the time you're tackling the Dangerous Mines in Stardew Valley, you'll likely have enough Stone to make the Staircases yourself, but there's always the Desert Trader , who'll trade one Staircase for one Jade.

Complete Dangerous Mines Overview

Stardew Valley: Complete Guide To The Dangerous Mines

In the expandable table below, we've kept track of what we encountered on every floor of the Dangerous Mines in Stardew Valley. This list includes monsters, resources, gems, and more to look out for on that stretch of floors in the Dangerous Mines.

Regular monsters from the Mines appear in the Dangerous Mines, too, but they're considered to be in a "dangerous state," which changes their appearance and stats , making them much stronger than before.

Any monster listed in the table below that also appears in the regular Mines should be assumed to be in the "dangerous state."

It's also important to know that Slimes can spawn in stacks in the Dangerous Mines, in addition to singular Slimes. All of them will have sunglasses and a smirk , but the colors will remain synchronous with the colors that usually spawn on these floors.

Every Floor Of The Dangerous Mines In Stardew Valley







  • Beach Forage
  • Copper Ore
  • Radioactive Ore
  • Amethyst
  • Earth Crystal
  • Quartz
  • Topaz
  • Bug
  • Duggy
  • Green Slime
  • Rock Crab

Radioactive Ore does not spawn on floors with multiples of five (5, 10, 15, etc.)


  • Blue Squid
  • Bug
  • Duggy
  • Green Slime
  • Rock Crab



  • Copper Ore
  • Geodes
  • Radioactive Ore
  • Bat
  • Bug
  • Carbon Ghost
  • Stone Golem

Carbon Ghosts are your source for Ectoplasm , so turn on the Shrine of Challenge when you need more or keep some on-hand to avoid needing to double back.


  • Copper Ore
  • Forest Foraging
  • Frozen Geodes
  • Iron Ore
  • Aquamarine
  • Jade
  • Blue Slime
  • Cave Fly
  • Dust Sprite
  • Frost Bat
  • Grub
  • Stick Bug

This and the next stretch of floors are great places to forage Mushrooms out of season, as well as harvest plenty of resources like Wood or Mahogany Seeds .


  • Dust Sprite
  • Frost Bat
  • Putrid Ghost
  • Spider
  • Stick Bug

Be mindful of the cobwebs that spawn on these floors, as they'll decrease your speed (and leave you relatively open to attack).


  • Copper Ore
  • Frozen Tears
  • Iron Ore
  • Haunted Skull
  • Skeleton
  • Skeleton Mage



  • Copper Ore
  • Fire Quartz
  • Gold Ore
  • Iron Ore
  • Magma Geodes
  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Lava Crab
  • Metal Head
  • Red Slime
  • Shadow Brute
  • Shadow Shaman

You'll occasionally spot the monsters on these floors hiding in the grass, so be mindful as you walk around so you don't get ambushed!


  • Lava Crab
  • Metal Head
  • Red Slime
  • Shadow Brute
  • Shadow Shaman
  • Shadow Sniper
  • Squid Kid



  • Copper Ore
  • Fire Quartz
  • Gold Ore
  • Iron Ore
  • Magma Geodes
  • Mystic Stones

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Reaching the bottom of the Dangerous Mines the first time completes the Danger in the Deep challenge, but you'll be able to return to the Dangerous Mines if you'd like some better Combat XP or just need to gather some rarer resources.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: