Stellar Blade — How To Activate The Wasteland Solar Tower

A broken droid needs Eve’s assistance to activate the solar tower and camps in Stellar Blade’s Wasteland.

There are several side quests that take Eve to the Wasteland in Stellar Blade, and with so many enemies swarming around her, you'll want to be able to rest and recover too. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use them when you first arrive. They will be out of power, so you'll need to head to the Solar Tower to turn them all on. Here, we'll talk you through how to reach the Solar Tower and how to activate it when you get there.

Activating the Solar Tower is a quest in and of itself, but it's important to know that none of the other quests in the area require you to fix the tower. They can all be completed in any order you wish, but since several of them involve combat — or will see Eve dragged into combat as she heads from marker to marker — having the ability to rest up and heal for free is vital. That's where the Solar Tower comes in.

Where To Find The Solar Tower In The Wasteland

Stellar Blade - How To Activate The Wasteland Solar Tower

The Solar Tower is on the left-hand side of the map. As you enter the Wasteland, you should take a right as you enter the area just before the first camp, then jump across the cliff columns. Once you are across to the other side, keep going until you hit a fork in the road then head left where you will see the tower reaching up into the sky.

How To Activate The Solar Tower In The Wasteland

Stellar Blade - How To Activate The Wasteland Solar Tower

Once you reach the Solar Tower, you'll see that there's no easy switch to flick. There is a droid at the bottom of the tower, but it will be of little use. Lacking a supervisor and malfunctioning, the droid can neither activate the tower nor assist you in the task. Thankfully, the solution isn't too difficult.

There is a moveable orange box nearby which seems like it holds the answer, but this is needed to open a locked chest instead. Head behind the corrugated iron to the right of the tower and activate the two ORCA switches, then move the box to the shipping crate in the middle of the area. Climb up, activate the third ORCA switch, and open the locked chest up here too .

Go inside the tower and climb the stairs as far as you can, then head outside. From here, jump to the flying platform and let it raise you up. Jump to the next platform floating here, then leap to the tower to grab the ledges. Be careful when jumping between platforms as it's easy for Eve to overshoot and fall to her death.

Stellar Blade - How To Activate The Wasteland Solar Tower

Follow the ledges jumping right, up, right, up. At this point you will see a floating platform, but ignore it — it is there to catch you if you fail the next part. From here, jump up again three more times until you see a ladder. Jump to the ladder, and if you miss, start again from the platform. Once you grab ahold, climb to the top.

Run around the balcony again here, and once more ignore the floating platform — this is to take you down to the ground once the tower is activated. Skip past it to the edge of the balcony to see a yellow ledge on the tower itself. Jump to it and keep jumping up until you can reach the next balcony. Head around the corner (do cylinders have corners?) and jump to the two floating platforms out in the gap. Again, keep in mind how easy it is for Eve to overshoot this jump.

Tilt the camera so it is directly above Eve's head to give you a better perspective on where she's jumping to.

From the second podium, jump to the ledges on the tower and up to the next balcony. Keep going until there's a step up then jump to the ladder — the floating podium will catch you if you don't make it, so it's a safe leap. Climb the ladder, then shoot the dart board to unleash a rope that will make getting down easier. If you are out of ammo, you can still take the slow way down.

Stellar Blade - How To Activate The Wasteland Solar Tower

There is a switch here, but ignore it for now as it will not work. But do open the case next to it for a Camouflage-Type Exospine. Keep going along the balcony and jump across the gap to see a droid trapped by debris. Hold R2 to free it, and it will thank you and fly off. Now that switch back around the corner — again, whatever corners are called in circles — will be active, so hold R2 to activate the Solar Tower. Slide down the rope (or backtrack your steps) to the floating podium that will lower you to the first set of stairs. Head down them and talk to the broken droid at the bottom (who will now be fixed) and Eve will be free to rest at any camp in the Wastelands.

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