Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Gigas

Learn how to vanquish this toothy Alpha Naytiba in Stellar Blade!

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Gigas

Eve's journey in Stellar Blade pits her against a variety of Naytiba, hostile creatures that have inhabited the post-apocalyptic shell of Earth. For as dangerous as these common enemies are, Eve will have her sights set on hunting even bigger game: the Alpha Naytibas. These beasts dwarf those you encounter around the game's world, and it's your mission to slay them all.

The first Alpha you will find is Gigas, a quadrupedal monster that's head resembles a tooth-lined donut. While its design may be goofy and over-the-top, its damage output is no joke, capable of flattening you in short order. Approach the fight with caution, and help Eve take her first step towards ridding Earth of the Alphas.

How To Defeat Gigas

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Gigas

Here are the attacks you can expect from Gigas:

Notable Attacks




Gigas will swing both fists at you in a series of blows.

Yes. Try to parry each hit. If this is too difficult at first, block each strike until you understand the timing.

Rock Throw

Gigas will pick up a rock and throw it at you.


Hand Swipe

Gigas will swipe at you with its fist.

No, but you can Blink through it, and attack from behind.

Saw Blade

Gigas will propel itself forward, tossing its saw-shaped head at you.

No, but you can Blink through it, and attack from behind.

The fight opens with a cinematic, which features a QTE you might miss if you aren't paying attention. Press the Cross button at the right time to dodge Gigas's opening assault. Failing to do so will see you start the fight with less health.

If you die and need to repeat this battle, you can actually skip this cutscene by holding Circle , completely negating the need to deal with the QTE again.

The most common attack you'll be dealing with during the boss fight is Gigas swinging at you. It'll raise its hands into the air one by one before bringing them crashing down on top of you. You should be going for parries on each of these strikes to chip away at Gigas's Balance and eventually unleash Retribution.

It will also mix in a variation of this strategy where its body will glow red and deliver its blows faster than normal, before finishing with a jumping attack. The jump is slightly delayed, so block a little bit later to register the final parry, then use high-damaging combos and skills to maximize damage.

Parrying these strikes from Gigas is super important because it has much greater Balance than the other bosses you've fought up to this point . It has ten pips that need to be depleted before it becomes groggy, so nail those parries!

It's imperative to have an understanding of Gigas's unblockable attacks as well. Generally, it will throw a rock at you if you're too far away, and launch itself into the air in an attempt to land on you when it wants to get up and personal. Both of these attacks must be dodged, or you'll take heavy damage.

This Alpha has a few moves you can Blink through , one where it swipes a hand at you and the other where it tries to strike with its toothy saw head. Alongside parrying to break down its balance, these attacks offer your best chance to go on the offensive , slashing it with your sword after the attack whiffs!

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Gigas

About a third of the way through Gigas's health bar, it will enhance itself, with its hands and head starting to glow a golden yellow, and you'll notice magma seeping out of it's body during combat animations. Thankfully, it doesn't add a bunch of new combat tactics to its arsenal, mainly just dealing more damage.

Punish whiffed attacks, continue to parry, and you'll have slain your first Alpha Naytiba.

At the end of the fight, you're prompted to press Triangle, which performs an execution animation and kills Gigas. Congratulations, you and Eve are one step r to removing Naytibas from the planet!

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