Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Providence

After taking the offer of the game’s final ultimatum, you will need to fight powerful boss Providence, and forever live with the consequences.

Stellar Blade has multiple endings, dependent on what choice you make in the final confrontation. When you reach the end of your journey, Adam will be standing there, and will reveal his true form as the Elder Naytiba. Eve has a choice — become one with Adam t usher in an era of cooperation with the Naytiba, or reject his offer of peace and fight him in the hopes of ending the Naytiba threat once and for all. This guide talks you through the ending where you accept Adam's hand.

While Lily will advise Eve against it, you can take Adam's hand and agree to peace. This will see the pair combine in a glowing mass before Eve reappears stronger, with wings and an angelic crown. Unfortunately, Lily's exoskeleton will override, and she will be trapped inside as the suit prepares to fight Eve. Known as 'Providence', it puts up a tough fight to end the game in style.

Providence's Attack Patterns

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Providence

The first stage of the battle against Providence is straight-forward and rewards aggression from Eve. You should dash up to Providence and parry its attacks, exploiting the gaps with attacks of your own or using stun grenades to knock it backwards. You should continue with this strategy until the camera pans away and Providence charges up its fists with orange electricity, which comes once roughly a third of its health has been drained.

During this initial stage, when Providence draws its fist back just a little bit, it will attack four times in rapid succession, so keep parrying. With a perfect parry, it will stop after two attacks. A Burst or Beta special during this phase will also disrupt Providence and cause it to stop. When it draws its fist back all the way, it will do two heavy attacks followed by a slam. These are extremely powerful attacks, but you will still be able to parry them.

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Providence

After Providence's arms glow with electricity, you'll want to dash back as far as possible. It powers up an array of laser beams to dodge and a rippling slam attack that can be jumped over just as it reaches Eve. Providence also fires bombs to dodge and floats upwards to slice the arena open with powerful lasers — it's a very similar approach to the Maelstrom battles.

Since you're keeping your distance, you'll want to use ranged attacks, particularly stingers and slugs. Providence drops ammo when damaged, so you will need to rush forward to keep yourself topped up. When you do this, it may switch to melee attacks that can be parried again, so use the same techniques from the first phase. Once it hovers though, dash back and get ready to dodge or jump.

Avoid Providence's Instakill Attacks

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Providence

After you have survived two rounds of Providence's ranged attacks, it will fly into the air with its blue electric wings glowing. You need to shoot these wings quickly as they can unleash an instakill attack. It's the same as the Unidentified Naytiba, except there are six rather than three. Shoot them then when Providence falls, dash forward and push Triangle for 'Retribution'. This should be enough to get it down to a third health if you were able to damage it while dodging ranged attacks, but if not just repeat these strategies until the cutscene begins.

Once you get it down to just a third health left, there will be another cutscene where Lily tries to override the exoskeleton, but receives an electric shock that knocks her out cold. At this point, Eve gets a renewed sense of power and fights Providence in overload. Her wings sprout and her sword transforms into the curved blade several of the Alpha Naytibas she has already fought wield.

Stellar Blade: How To Defeat Providence

She also unlocks four new special attacks, which replace her Beta attacks. A timer appears and Eve must take off the last third in just two minutes, but with these new attacks not needing to be recharged, it should be easy to dash in and take Providence out. Triangle pins Providence down, while Circle and Square offer strong attacks that can disrupt Providence's rhythm. X is a defensive block, but you shouldn't need it much if you get in and fight as aggressively as you did in the first phase.

Once that's over, you're in for a long cutscene. At the end of it, you will have one more fight against waves of enemies, but the screen will fade to white before long and leave you wondering whether taking Adam's hand was the right choice after all, especially given everything you lost…

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