Zau is strong enough with his Sun and Moon masks, but you’ll need more abilities to get through Kenzera.
Although Tales of Kenzera: Zau's main focus is on telling a compelling story about grief and moving on from losing a loved one, it's also a challenging Metroidvania that will task players with traversing through several biomes and going up against tough bosses.
Of course, as a Metroidvania, one of the main gameplay mechanics of Zau is slowly unlocking more traversal and combat abilities that let you open up the world and progress further. Zau already has a lot of abilities, but here are the ones you'll unlock as you progress throughout the game.
How Are New Abilities Unlocked?
When you start Tales of Kenzera: Zau, you'll have access to the Sun and Moon mask, which both have their own combat abilities. Aside from a double jump, though, you won't have much in the way of traversal mechanics. That changes pretty quickly, though, as Zau comes across various Shaman Shrines that reward him with a new ability from one of his ancestors.
As you unlock these abilities, Kalunga will also explain their origins, which can (and should!) be read up about in the Codex for further context.
As is the case in any Metroidvania, once you've unlocked a new ability, you'll be able to use it to explore more of the map and further unlock its secrets. Zau is a fairly linear entry in the genre, but you'll still find yourself needing these abilities to progress further in the main story — if there's something you can't interact with yet, count on it being an ability that you unlock in the game.
How To Unlock Bamba's Stone
The first ability you'll unlock in Tales of Kenzera is one that can be used while the Moon mask is equipped. You'll unlock it early on in the game while exploring the Buluu Caverns. Once you've reached the bottom left of this area, which involves making your way down a lot of moving waterfalls, you'll come across a Shrine that rewards you with the ability.
Bamba's Stone allows you to shoot out an icy blast that freezes moving water and allows Zau to run across it and use it as a platform to jump off of. It can also be used in combat to freeze enemies in place, which is perfect for flying enemies and those with shields you need to whittle down.
How To Unlock Akida's Spear
After unlocking Bamba's Stone, the next ability you unlock is Akida's Spear, which is a projectile spear that can be thrown when the Sun mask is equipped. You'll unlock this ability when you first reach Ikakaramba, a location after The Great Cliffs. As part of the main story, you'll come across a locked gate, which will lead you to heading to the right through a cave where the second Shaman Shrine is.
Akida's Spear is used to hit targets from far away, which can be used to unlocks doors and passages that were inaccessible before. In combat, it gives the Sun mask a much-needed long-range option, which is perfect for fending off the flying enemies with red shields you'll encounter throughout the adventure.
How To Unlock Zawadi's Hook
After unlocking two abilities specific to the Sun and Moon masks, you might think the next ability would follow that same formula. That's not the case, though, as the next ability is a universal one that can be used with either mask. You'll unlock Zawadi's Hook in the upper left corner of Nature's Crown, which you'll explore as you find ingredients for Sabulana as part of the main quest.
Zawadi's Hook is, as you can probably imagine, a grappling hook that can be used on glowing purple hook points across the map to slingshot to new areas. It becomes an essential part of platforming later in the game, but that is its only real use.
How To Unlock Tawa's Heart
The next ability you'll unlock in Tales of Kenzera is Tawa's Heart, which has a unique use depending on which mask you use it with. The location of Tawa's Heart is unique, as it isn't marked on the map and actually shows up as part of the game's second boss battle. After collecting the ingredients for Sabulana, you'll find yourself in a strange area chased by Kikiyaon. Keep going through this area and you'll find the Tawa's Heart Shaman Shrine.
Tawa's Heart changes depending on what mask is equipped. If you've got the Moon mask equipped, it'll rebuild glowing blue structures and turn them into platforms to climb or jump from. If you're using the Sun mask, it'll instead destroy glowing red doors and allow you to get past. Like Zawadi's Hook, it doesn't really have a combat use aside from that.
How To Unlock Kabili's Wing
You knew it was coming, but of course, Tales of Kenzera has some kind of triple-jump ability. This ability is found in The Searing Sands and is impossible to miss, as when you reach the area marked above, Zau will fall through the sand and encounter a new type of enemy. After defeating them, head to the right to find the Shaman Shrine and get the game's best ability.
As you can imagine, the main function of Kabili's Wing is pretty obvious — it lets you glide to reach platforms more easily. It can also be used in an updraft to glide upwards, which becomes a massive focus of platforming later in the game.
How To Unlock Tshukudu's Might
The final ability in Tales of Kenzera: Zau is Tshukudu's Might, a powerful movement skill that can be used for combat and platforming. You'll find this one after following the main path through Mount Itshoka, the second-to-last location in the game. Like the others, it's impossible to miss while doing the main story.
Tshukudu's Might is a powerful dash that letsyoubreak through purple stones blocking your path in Kenzera. It can also be used as a powerful shoulder barge during combat, which is effective for pushing enemies into spikes and other environmental traps.
Tshukudu's Might is also perfect for skipping large platforming sections if you go back to earlier locations to find collectibles. When combined with the glide move, you'll have no difficulty getting around anywhere.