The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom — Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

Spot the Grizzlemaw Bear for your paraglider or your photo album with this guide.

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

There are several foes worth hunting for in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but few are both rarer and as potentially rewarding as the Grizzlemaw Bear. Whether you want a new paraglider or just want the album photo, you'll have your work cut out for you to find one.

But finding one is just step one of the battle. After all, no one expects a bear to be a well-behaved album model. Despite the dangers, if you're brace enough and feeling prepared, we'll show you where to start your daredevil search.

What Is The Grizzlemaw Bear?

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

The Grizzlemaw Bear is a roaming bear that must be found in order to obtain the Grizzlemaw Bear Paraglider.

To obtain the paraglider, you must take a picture of the Grizzlemaw Bear and show it to Sayge in Hateno Village.

It is also a good source of raw materials such as:

  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Raw Gourmet Meat
  • Hearty Salmon

You can also use the Grizzlemaw Bear to finish the quest: "The Horse Guard's Request."

Where To Find The Grizzlemaw Bear

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

The Grizzlemaw Bear can be typically found in two locations:

  1. Gerudo Highlands
  2. Hebra Mountains

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

Normally, these beasts randomly spawn in these locations while favoring heavily wooded areas. You can try these more specific subregions for a directed search:

  • Hebra Mountains: N. Sturnida Basin, Hebra West Summit, Base of Hebra North Summit
  • Gerudo Highlands: W. Vartorsa Snowfield, Laparoh Mesa, Zirco Mesa

While they are not guaranteed spawn locations, you can always try searching in these general areas while hoping luck takes your side.

You can also find Bokoblins riding these beasts in the Gerudo Highlands.

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

You can distinguish Grizzlemaws from the weaker and more common Honeyvore Bears, by their darker coats and grey muzzles.

However, it is easier to distinguish them from afar by knowing your location. Grizzlemaws only spawn on the west side of the map, while Honeyvores are only found on the central-east side of Hyrule.

Before you go hunting for one, however, watch out. They are formidable, agile beasts that will charge at you if you're detected and cannot be avoided by sprinting.

We recommend stocking up on Stealth-boosting potions or using Stealth-boosting gear.

Risoka Snowfield Grizzlemaw Bear

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Grizzlemaw Bear Location Guide

There is a single fixed location for the Grizzlemaw Bear that can always be depended on. It is located in the Risoka Snowfield just north of the Yiga Clan hideout. Normally, outside the towering monster den amidst a group of tall shrubs around these coordinates:

-4596, -1119, 0517

Thanks to its convenient placement, this is the easiest bear to reach as you can paraglide to this exact location with ease from the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower.

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