Explore World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Awakened Raids with our comprehensive guide.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight brings back an experimental feature in Shadowlands, known as awakened raids, for its final season before The War Within expansion. These awakened raids are the culmination of Dragonflight's endgame content by bringing back all the previous raids in the current expansion but with an added twist.
Everyone who missed out on playing a particular season can now experience them all in season four. Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, and Vault of the Incarnates will now become awakened raids, but what exactly do awakened raids entail?
What Are Awakened Raids?
Awakened raids are empowered raids that add more difficulty to each of the bosses while giving exclusive rewards to players on top of the loot they can get from the boss.
It isn't that clear how the difficulty is scaled when it comes to empowered raids, but the bosses or raid will have an "Awakened Raid" buff, where the description states that the enemies in the raid will have "increased power."
After finishing LFR and normal raids during the first few days, it seems that the bosses are scaled to a higher item level point for the current season.
Once you defeat a boss in an awakened raid, you'll get a chance at a scaled item level gear drop. The item levels are as follows:
Difficulty |
Awakened Raid Item Level |
Raid Finder or LFR |
480 to 489 496 for the last bosses |
Normal |
493 to 502 509 for the last bosses |
Heroic |
506 to 515 522 for the last bosses |
Mythic |
519 to 528 535 for the last bosses |
The item level is the same for each raid as long as they are in the awakened raid state. You can clear the raid normally and once you defeat a boss, you'll get the lockout where you have to wait until the next weekly reset before you can get loot from that boss again.
Apart from getting gear from the bosses, you also have a chance to get an Antique Bronze Bullion and an Awakened Tempostone. The former is a "priceless" currency that is used to trade for any weapon, shield, trinket, and rings you want from the vendors in the Parting Glass.
The Awakened Tempostone is also a currency traded in the Parting Glass.
What Is The Awakened Raid Schedule?
Not all raids are awakened at the same time. There will be a weekly rotation for all the available raids. Here is the schedule for the awakened raids in Dragonflight season four:
Date |
Active Awakened Raid |
April 23rd |
Vault of the Incarnates |
April 30th |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible |
May 7th |
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope |
May 14th |
Vault of the Incarnates |
May 21st |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible |
May 28th |
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope |
June 4th |
All Raids |
The raids rotate, starting from the first raid in the expansion. After making two full rotations among the available raids, all raids will now turn into awakened raids, giving players multiple chances to get great gear, especially for alts when preparing for the next expansion.
If you are unfamiliar with some of the raids, it might not be worth it to fully commit to learning about a raid, since the time window is short. When you reach June 4th, you can exclusively run the raids you are familiar with.
Where To Find The Awakened Raid Vendors
The Parting Glass, which houses the Awakened vendors, is located east of Valdrakken, coordinates 74, 45. Here is the list of the vendors:
Name |
Vendor Type |
Iszy |
Vault of the Incarnates Vendor |
Iszinormi |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Vendor |
Iszinormi (Dragon) |
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Vendor |
Mirioszin |
Infinite Importer — Cosmetics Vendor |
Harrostrasza |
Carefree Chaperone — Awakened Mark of Mastery Vendor |
Runaagos |
Neurotic Novelist — Awakened Tempostone Vendor |
In the middle of the Parting Glass, you'll see the first three vendors who will trade gear for Antique Bronze Bullions. Each piece will require two Antique Bronze Bullions, which are acquired once every weekly reset, with a catch-up mechanic (in case you miss a week). You get these Antique Bronze Bullions randomly by defeating bosses in awakened raids.
Gears offered by the vendor will have the maximum item level possible, which makes it essentially a "free" gear piece for everyone. They only offer weapons, shields, trinkets, and rings. You can also get the Scales of Awakening, which is needed to craft the legendary item for the Evoker, Warrior, Paladin, and Death Knight classes.
Save your Antique Bronze Bullion as much as possible. You might happen to buy your best-in-slot item and get the same item as a drop when raiding. If you are looking for two
If you are a dedicated player, you might be doing so much content that you can easily get all the loot you want. You can use your Antique Bronze Bullion by purchasing cosmetics from Mirioszin instead. You'll get several Antique Bronze Bullions as the months go by, so most players will have the option to buy cosmetics if they want.
For the Awakened Tempostone vendor, you'll only get a set piece of your choice in exchange for one Awakened Tempostone. These are acquired by defeating any last boss of an awakened raid.
The Awakened Mark of Mastery vendor offers a 3/6 heroic PvE gear or a 4/8 champion PvP gear in exchange for an Awakened Mark of Mastery. This Mark is acquired when you complete the Dragonflight Season Four Master achievement, so you only get it once.