World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery — Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Learn where to find all the Artisan profession trainers in World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery!

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

World of Warcraft: Classic's Season of Discovery's phase three lets adventurers level past level 40 and learn the artisan skill tier of the various professions. This allows adventurers to learn more recipes for powerful weapons, armor, and enchantments, as well as the collection of the materials for these recipes.

Unlike the professional trainers of the lower-skill tiers, most artisan trainers are scattered throughout the remote reaches of Azeroth and can be difficult to find. Some artisan-tier trainers can be found in capital cities, others inhabit more dangerous locales, and some might offer their services exclusively to members of the Horde or Alliance, while others welcome everyone.

Artisan Alchemy Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Horde alchemists, seeking to learn the artisan tier of their craft, must seek out Rogvar, an orc living in the Swamp of Sorrows. He can be found on the first floor of the great hall in the Horde outpost of Stonard, standing next to the warlock and demon trainers.

With Stonard lying in the center of the Swamp of Sorrows, sticking to the main southern road that runs through the swamp will eventually lead you to the town.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Alliance alchemists who want to further hone their skills should visit Feathermoon Stronghold in the jungles of Feralas. Here, at the central command of the night elves' military, the night elf Kylanna Windwhisper can be found on the first floor of the building that is made out of a giant tree.

The island the stronghold is built on, Sardor Isle, can be accessed by a ferry found on the Forgotten Coast, just off the western road of Feralas.

Artisan Blacksmithing Trainer

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Blacksmiths of both the Horde and the Alliance can learn the artisan tier of their profession from the goblin Brikk Keencraft. He lives in his shop, the Booty Bay Blacksmith, in its namesake port city of Booty Bay, on the southern cape of Stranglethorn Vale.

This shop is one of the two buildings in the city that are built on solid ground, located on the ridge behind the Old Port Authority.

Artisan Cooking Trainer

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

The goblin butcher Dirge Quikcleave is the man that aspiring cooks of both major factions need to meet if they want to learn the artisan cooking skill. He practices his craft in The Road Warrior, the inn of the desert city of Gadgetzan in Tanaris.

However, you will have to convince him to teach you the artisan tier of cooking, by completing his quest "Clamlette Surprise". He will only offer this to you if your cooking skill is at least 255.

If you need extra experience points, pick up the breadcrumb quests "To Gadgetzan You Go!" or "I Know A Guy…" from the cooking trainers of Orgrimmar and Ironforge, respectively. The troll Zamja and the Bronzebeard dwarf Daryl Riknussun will both send you to Dirge, as they have no more knowledge to impart to you.

Artisan Enchanting Trainer

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Alliance and Horde enchanters will have the most dangerous of all of these journeys to learn how to be artisans in their craft. They must delve into the tunnels of Uldaman, a dungeon lying under the northern mountains of the Badlands, near the entrance to Loch Modan.

Here, you will find Annora, a human master enchanter hiding out in her tent at the end of a tunnel. This tunnel juts off south from the tunnel that runs between the Temple Hall and the Map Chamber, so be sure to travel with some friends to reach her.

Annora only comes out of hiding once all the scorpid mobs in her room are killed. Only then can you learn from her.

Artisan Engineering Trainer

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Buzzek Bracketswing is a goblin who teaches artisan engineering to members of the Horde and the Alliance. Found in the Tanarisian city of Gadgetzan, he stands just to the left of the entrance to the city's inn, The Road Warrior, under an awning and surrounded by supplies.

Artisan First Aid Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Practitioners of first aid who owe their allegiance to the Horde should visit Doctor Gregory Victor, a Forsaken trauma surgeon situated in the town of Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands. He has set up shop near the doorway of the southernmost structure in the outpost, and offers the Horde version of the quest "Triage" for you to complete; after doing so, he will teach you the artisan first aid skill.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen is a human trauma surgeon found in the southwest room on the first floor of Foothold Citadel in Theramore. Alliance first aid practitioners must complete the Alliance version of the "Triage" quest, which he offers, to learn what he knows about the craft.

Arnok, the orc first aid trainer of Orgrimmar, and Nissa Firestone, the Bronzebeard dwarf first aid trainer of Ironforge, both offer breadcrumb quests to meet with Gregory or Gustaf. If you want some extra experience points, pick up the quests "Horde Trauma" or "Alliance Trauma" from them.

Artisan Fishing Trainer

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

One of the more out-of-the-way artisan trainers, the famous angler Nat Pagle makes his camp in the wilds of Dustwallow Marsh. Southwest of Theramore, across the waters of Tidefury Cove, Nat's Landing is where fisherfolk of the Alliance and the Horde can find and glean some fishing secrets from him.

There are some hostile mobs you may have to fight through on your way to him, but upon reaching him, you can accept his quest "Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme", and prove yourself to him. After that, he will teach you what he knows.

Artisan Herbalism Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

While most herbalism trainers can impart the artisan tier of knowledge to Horde herbalists, the most accessible trainers to most Horde adventurers are those of their capital cities. Jandi, a troll herbalism trainer, runs her eponymous Jandi's Arboretum, located on the upper level of The Drag in Orgrimmar.

Martha Alliestar, a Forsaken, is the herbalism trainer of Undercity and runs her stall in the north end of The Apothecarium's inner ring. And last, Thunder Bluff's herbalism trainer, a tauren named Komin Winterhoof, lives at his shop, Holistic Herbalism, on the middle rise of the city's central mesa.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

The herbalism trainers of the Alliance capital cities can also teach the artisan herbalism skill, and are easily found by many Alliance herbalists. Darnassus' herbalism trainer, Firoden Mooncaller, a night elf, can be found within the eastern tower on the terrace of the Temple of the Moon.

Reyna Stonebranch, one of the Bronzebeard dwarf proprietors of the Ironforge Physician shop, is Ironforge's herbalism trainer and said shop sits on the south side of the Great Forge. The herbalism trainer of Stormwind City is a night elf by the name of Tannysa, who stands in the easternmost alley of the Mage Quarter, across from an alchemy shop, Alchemy Needs.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Herbalists of both factions can also visit Flora Silverwind, the herbalism trainer of Stranglethorn Vale's Booty Bay, if they are in the area. She can be found in her shop, All Things Flora, at the southern end of the city's uppermost level.

Artisan Leatherworking Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Leatherworkers of the Horde should venture to Camp Mojache within Feralas, which lies on the southeast reaches of the road running through the jungle. Here, they can learn the artisan leatherworking skill from Hahrana Ironhide, a tauren who resides within the longhouse in the center of the town.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Alliance leatherworkers need to make the trek to Wildhammer Clan's capital of Aerie Peak within The Hinterlands to learn from their artisan leatherworking trainer. Located within the city's Wildhammer Keep, the Wildhammer dwarf named Drakk Stonehand keeps busy in the western room of the keep's lower level.

Artisan Mining Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Most mining trainers can teach the artisan tier of their profession, but the ones in the Horde's capital cities are usually the easiest to find for Horde miners. The Forsaken mining trainer of the Undercity, Brom Killian, busies himself at his stall on the south side of the War Quarter's inner ring.

On the lower rise of Thunder Bluff's main mesa, Stonehoof Geology, the city's mining shop, is where the tauren mining trainer Brek Stonehoof can be found. The orc, Makaru, is Orgrimmar's mining trainer. He runs his shop, Red Canyon Mining, in the middle of the Valley of Honor.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Even though there are other mining trainers in the smaller settlements of Azeroth, the capital cities of the Alliance will be the most accessible to many Alliance miners. Geofram Bouldertoe, a dwarf of the Bronzebeard Clan, can be found in his shop, the Deepmountain Mining Guild, on the north side of the Great Forge.

Stormwind City's mining shop, Stonehand Mining, is found in the northwest corner of the Dwarven District and is run by the Bronzebeard dwarf, Gelman Stonehand.

There are no mining trainers in the night elves' capital of Darnassus.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

The Steamwheedle Cartel's city of Gadgetzan in Tanaris also has its mining trainer who can teach the artisan mining tier, a goblin named Pikkle. He resides in his hut on the west side of the city, should you find yourself nearby.

Artisan Skinning Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

The skinning trainers of the capital cities of the Horde serve as convenient sources of the artisan skinning skill for Horde skinners, amongst the others scattered throughout Azeroth. In Thunder Bluff, the tauren named Mooranta teaches skinning, and she stands just outside of Thunder Bluff Armorers on the middle rise of the city's central mesa.

In Orgrimmar, Kodohide Leatherworkers is the shop where you can find Thuwd, the orc skinning trainer. This shop lies in The Drag, near the gate to the Valley of Honor. Undercity's Killian Hagley is the Forsaken skinning trainer for his city and can be found in the leatherworking stall at the south end of the Rogues' Quarter's inner ring.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Although most skinning trainers across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms can teach the artisan skinning skill, many Alliance skinners will find it easy to learn from their capital cities' skinning trainers. In Stormwind City, the human Maris Granger teaches skinning from within the Protective Hide in Old Town, on the south side of the western gate to the Canals.

Eladriel, the night elf skinning trainer of Darnassus, is found on the upper level of the tailoring and leatherworking shop in the Craftsmen's Terrace. Finespindle's Leather Goods, the leatherworking shop of Ironforge located on the north side of the Great Forge, is where the Bronzebeard dwarf skinning trainer Balthus Stoneflayer resides.

Artisan Tailoring Trainers

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

Horde tailors need to take a trip to the town of Tarren Mill within the Hillsbrad Foothills to find their artisan tailoring trainer. He is a Forsaken by the name of Daryl Stack, and he haunts the ruined chapel of the town.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery - Where To Find All Artisan Profession Trainers

The Alliance's master tailor, who can teach that faction's aspiring tailors the artisan tier of their craft, is Timothy Worthington, a human of Theramore; living within this port city of Dustwallow Marsh, he can usually be found working on his loom on the second story of his house. Said house is directly south of Jaina Proudmoore's tower, the imposing central point of the island city.

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