How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

Follow our guide to «master» the elements in the newest BitLife challenge, the Master of the Elements.

Bitizens, today we’re wandering into the “spirit” realm with the newest challenge, the Master of the Elements! In this Avatar: The Last Airbender themed challenge, we’re appreciating all four elements on Earth, so here’s how to complete the Master of the Elements challenge in BitLife.

Complete Guide to the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

The last BitLife challenge was all about sabotaging rival spy agencies, but this week, we’re ditching the hi-tech gadgets are looking inward to find our true power. For the Master of the Elements challenge, we need to complete the following objectives:

  • Be born a male in Nepal
  • Purchase and ride a jet ski
  • Purchase and fly any aircraft
  • Become a construction worker
  • Become a firefighter
  • Marry your best friend

How to be Born a Male in Nepal

Start a new life in BitLife. Set your gender to male and your country to Nepal. Kathmandu is the only place in Nepal, so choose that, unless you want to make a custom city.

How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

How to Purchase and Ride a Jet Ski

For the next two objectives, you’ll need the appropriate licenses, so let’s get that out of the way first.

Open the Activities menu and select Licenses. First, let’s get our Boating License. Check out our boating test answers guide if you need help with the questions.

Next up is the Pilot’s License. You need 40 hours of Flight School before you can take the test, which will run you $1,600. The test itself costs $245. Check out our pilot test answers guide if you need help with the questions.

Open the Activities menu again and select Shopping. The specialty vehicle dealers sell aircraft and boats, so check them often to see if they have a jet ski in stock. A proper jet ski has (PWC) next to it, so keep an eye out.

How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

How to Purchase and Fly any Aircraft

Just like the jet ski, check the specialty vehicle dealers to see what aircraft they have in stock. You don’t need an expensive aircraft for this objective; any one works.

Once you buy an aircraft, select it from your Assets menu. Choose the Fly option, pray nothing goes wrong, and this objective is complete!

How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

How to Become a Construction Worker

As you’re working on the other objectives of this challenge, be sure to check the full-time job listings every time you age up. Keep an eye out for Construction Worker, and apply for it as soon as you see it.

How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

Most Construction Worker jobs are considered to be small business jobs, so they’re relatively easy to get. You shouldn’t need any higher education for them to start showing up.

How to Become a Firefighter

Similar to the Construction Worker objective, keep an eye out on the job listings for Firefighter or Probationary Firefighter jobs. Apply to them as soon as you see one.

How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

Don’t worry if you already have the Construction Worker job, as it’s automatically replaced by the Firefighter job. Your objective remains completed, so don’t worry about that either.

How to Marry your Best Friend

This is an objective that you can work on at any point in your life. You can wait for people to naturally befriend you, or you can actively make friends. Whether it’s at school or work, just make sure to befriend someone.

To become best friends with someone, max out their relationship meter by spending time with them, complimenting them, giving them gifts, and so forth.

After a friend’s relationship meter is maxed out, tap on them in the Relationships menu, then tap on their name, then hit Change our status. Open the drop-down menu and select Best Friends, then hit Do it.

How to Complete the Master of the Elements Challenge in BitLife

With any luck, the person becomes your best friend, but sometimes they’ll refuse. If they refuse, do more activities with them and try again later.

Once the person is your best friend, all you need to do is maintain your relationship meter, ask them out, and then eventually propose to them. Once you go through with the marriage, this objective is done!

Congratulations, you’ve officially completed the Master of the Elements challenge in BitLife! If you have any other questions or tips for this challenge, let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out the rest of our BitLife guides.

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